Friday, July 26, 2024
Guest ContributionsRide Hailing newsTaxi industry newsTrucking

Purpose of the Truck Convoy

Parliament Hill on January 29, 2022 Photo: Don Browne

by Sonny Lacombe

This Convoy is not just for the truckers’ mandates …

It’s for the 30 million people that Trudeau’s government approved and allowed

to be spied on their cell phones …

It’s for our indigenous brothers and sisters who have been oppressed for so long …

It’s for the family members

banned from visiting family

in nursing homes …

It’s for our veterans who have been slighted by our governments…

It’s for the censorship on all social media platforms …

It’s for all the people afraid to speak In fear of being called conspiracy theorists …

It’s for the people who didn’t want to give up their freedom

of choice !!!

It’s for the people who don’t

want to give up their right to

bear arms …

It’s for the people who don’t

want to be in debt for the next 100 years …

It’s for the people who only

want answers to the many questions that haven’t been answered …

It’s for the people afraid

to hug their family and visit

their friends …

It’s for the people who want

their lives back …

For the hairdressers to cut hair.

For the restaurants to serve food.

For the bars to play music …

For the students to learn …

For the people being mandated or lose their job …

For the teachers,

For the kids to be free  …

For people who want to work but are forced not to …

This is for the people …

This is for YOU !!!

This is for trying to silence

honest and hardworking

citizens …

Never in my life have I ever seen the healthy being punished and the sick untreated …

This is for the 300,000 surgeries cancelled …

This is for the people that died waiting for their surgery …

This is for the people who died alone in the hospital without being able

to hold that hands of their loved ones …

This is for the exhausted

nurses …

This is for the doctors that are going unheard …

This is for all the front line workers,

delivery trucks,

grocery store clerks,

PSWS  who are constantly working overtime etc …

This is for ALL of us !!!

The time to stand up for your rights has come …

It is time to get out of your comfort zone and stand together, united as Canadians!

It is time for LOVE,


to prevail !!!



Godspeed truckers

Convoy to Ottawa