Friday, July 26, 2024

Author: Rita Smith

First under Chief Bill Blair and then under Chief Mark Saunders, Toronto police utterly ignored rideshare's failure to obey the Highway Traffic Act. I had some epic arguments with numerous officers; these were some of the most demoralizing events of my life. Photo: TPS
Opinion/ColumnRide Hailing newsTaxi industry newsToronto VHF Review

Without enforcement, new laws mean nothing

Tory and Saunders ignored the Law; will Chow and Demkiw restore faith in it? Coincidentally, as I was doing research and interviewing experts for a hard news article on the topic of “Enforcing the Law” as it relates to the

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Today, Toronto's Accessible Advisory Committee will receive a presentation based on the premise the Accessible on Demand program can be revived. "It would need to be RESURRECTED, from the DEAD!" an outraged operator said this weekend. Image: City of Toronto
Democracy & GovernmentOpinion/ColumnTaxi industry news

Accessible Taxi on Demand: “It’s over”

Toronto maintains delusions, illusions over program it killed with Uber Here are the stats (May 2024): 578 accessible plates172 not in use (no vehicle)47 to be replaced <1 yr301 to be replaced <2 yrs That leaves 58 wheelchair accessible vehicles

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