Sunday, September 8, 2024
Photo: Mike Murchison
On the Road with Mike MurchisonOpinion/ColumnTrucking

You gotta put your feet on the floor, and do the day

In my world there are two things that matter: accountability and responsibility.

It is the choices I have made over the years that have brought me to the place I now stand.

My responsibilities revolve around a very demanding job that requires sacrifice. Even when it tastes bitter.

Accountability revolves around those in my life that are in need of my getting up each morning, putting my feet on the floor, and trying. Even when I don’t want to.

Both my responsibilities and accountability come at a price. A price that doesn’t allow me to do what ever I feel like doing when I feel like doing it.

My responsibilities and accountability don’t afford me the luxury of saying “I don’t feel like it!”

They require me to get my act together and try. Each day. Each long hard day.

My profession does not allow me to drink or partake in recreational drugs due to laws put in place to keep YOU safe while I undertake the tasks of my job.

My responsibilities and accountabilities require sacrifices of my time.

Often, I look at the world and wonder about where we as a people. Where our neighborhood, our community and our country are headed.

We are too easily steered in a direction that can be detrimental to the fundamental foundation of society.

There seems to be an ever-increasing sense of self entitlement as well as a “poor me” victim mentality flowing through the addictive platforms of social media, the work force and the structure of the family.

From my standpoint (whether a popular view or not), we are entitled to nothing.

We are granted by our Creator one day at a time. From the moment we are given but the chance to open our eyes to a new day, as the task of fulfilling our responsibilities and being responsible begins.

It is our efforts that determine just who is looking back at us in the mirror at the end of the day.

It is only then: in that moment of self searching, we find the answers to whether we are gaining ground to make the lives of those we come in contact with a little richer or just tallying up the notches on the belt of how we got the better of someone else before they got the better of us.

Without responsibilities and accountability, we digress to being nothing more than “takers” as opposed to “givers.”

I choose to embrace the responsibilities and accountability that greet me each day. Not because they are fun, easy, or filled with warm and fuzzy rewards. But because I made a commitment to my Creator a long time ago that no matter what was staring me in the face each day, I would in fact rise. Put my feet on the floor and at the very least….try.

Try, for those I am responsible for. Try, for those I am accountable to and try for the one who created me for a purpose I may never understand.

For it is “there, but for the grace of God, go I!”