Wednesday, September 18, 2024
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Worst 20 streets in Toronto, by police data: Eglinton is the “winner”

Chart created by Matt Elliott from Toronto Police Open Source data

Independent journalist and publisher of the City Hall Watcher Matt Elliott has done an interesting piece of work in his April 19th newsletter by accessing, analysing and graphically presenting “The 20 Worst Streets in Toronto.”

“Reading through City Hall’s new 2022 cycling network plan — adopted by Council earlier this month — I got curious about a piece calling for Steeles Avenue to get transformed into a “complete street,” Elliott explains in his weekly email newsletter to subscribers.

“Toronto’s post-war streets tend to see more collisions than older streets downtown. Suburban streets were designed for fast-moving car travel, and it shows,” he notes. “It got me wondering…if you were to make a list of streets in Toronto most in need of a makeover, what would top the list?”

Elliott accessed Toronto Police’s Open Data set and sorted for the categories “killed or seriously injured” (KSI). Longer streets, he points out, are naturally going to have more KSIs, but he still found lots of surprises (for example, Eglinton had a worse accident record BEFORE construction started).