Friday, July 26, 2024
Freedom Convoy Trucks in Ottawa, February 2022. Photo: Donna Laframboise

No Zoom coverage of Barber/Lich court case available

RWN/Taxi News publisher Rita Smith

On September 6th, Road Warrior News received the unfortunate news that the mischief trial of Freedom Convoy organizers Chris Barber and Tamara Lich is not available to view by Zoom.

Previous extended cases including the Public Order Emergency Commission and the Ottawa Taxi trial have been available for RWN to view and cover by Zoom. The National Citizens’ Inquiry also offered comprehensive streaming coverage.

Originally, RWN had been informed that Barber/Lich trial would also be available to view by Zoom. However, on September 6th, we received an email from an Ottawa court staff person who indicated,

“Zoom is not a option for this trial. We found that out yesterday morning. The only way to view the court is in person in court room 5#

Sorry for the inconvenience.

Thank you.”

Given this new fact, RWN apologizes to its readers who expected to see coverage of the Barber/Lich trial here on a daily basis. We are now working in an effort to access coverage from other, trusted news professionals who are in Ottawa covering the trial. Certainly we believe that if ever a court trial needed to be widely available to viewing members of the public and the media, it is this one.

–Rita Smith, Publisher