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Trudeau humiliated as even Senators he appointed were poised to vote against Emergencies Act

On Wednesday February 23rd, Prime Minister Trudeau shocked Canadians by withdrawing the Emergencies Act that he invoked 9 days earlier and strongly defended just 24 hours before.

Here’s why.

Trudeau was about to lose a vote in the Senate which was needed to ratify the Emergency Act, invoked to disperse a peaceful protest by the truckers Freedom Convoy in Ottawa. In addition, thousands of Canadians moved their bank accounts and investments out of the country fearing that their money might be frozen by Trudeau. Indeed, Senators were on their feet speaking to the Act when Trudeau held a rushed, 4pm press conference cancelling it before they had a chance to vote.

Senator David Wells from Newfoundland said: “The Government saw the writing on the wall and pulled the plug. Cabinet ministers and the government Senate leader started calling senators to assess support for continuation of the Act. The numbers weren’t looking good… That’s when the decision was made.”

Senator Pierre Dalphond, who was appointed by Justin Trudeau, was prepared to vote against the Emergencies Act.

The morning before Trudeau backed down, Pierre Dalphond, a Senator Trudeau himself had appointed from Quebec said: “I have decided to vote against the motion to authorize the continuation of the state of emergency, out of concern about the lack of judicial oversight in the freezing of assets,” because he believes it violates “the right to be secure against unreasonable search or seizure.”

Also, according to US based economic advisor Martin Armstrong “based on reliable sources, Trudeau was forced to abandon his Emergency Act as staggering amounts of money fled Canadian banks” to the US. His sources said tens of thousands moved their money.

Once the darling to the international media, Trudeau was blasted by the New York Times which said “peaceful demonstrations are a vital part of democracy” and “the use of force to disperse legal protests is wrong.” The Times went on to point out Trudeau’s hypocrisy, because in 2020 he supported protests by Indian farmers that blocked highways around New Delhi for a full year.

The Daily Mail of London UK also blasted Trudeau and posted a video of Canadian police beating and kicking peaceful protesters in Ottawa.

Trudeau is now a lame duck, who has lost all credibility both in Canada and around the world.