Friday, July 26, 2024
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Democracy & GovernmentNews

Misinformation, negligence claimed in COVID lawsuit

Jeffrey Rath files suit against federal and provincial governments

A class action lawsuit has been filed by Rath & Company on behalf of Albertans harmed by the Covid-19 vaccines (the “Covid Vaccines”). This legal action is centered around allegations of unlawful, negligent, inadequate, improper, unfair, and deceptive practices by the Defendants in relation to the warning, marketing, promotion, and distribution of the Covid Vaccines.

Carrie Sakamoto who filed the claim individually last year, is listed as class representative for the proposed class action lawsuit. The lawsuit, filed in the Court of King’s Bench in Lethbridge, Alberta, against the Government of Canada and Province of Alberta (the “Defendants”). The lawsuit claims that the Defendants were negligent, provided information they knew to be false and incomplete, and that they censored and suppressed truthful and reliable information about vaccine injuries thereby vitiating informed consent and causing harm to Ms. Sakamoto and many others in Alberta. The lawsuit goes on to allege misfeasance in public office and conspiracy to commit assault and battery on the public.

Jeffrey Rath, lead counsel on the case, says: “I think Canadians will be shocked to learn about the rushed changes to safety standard for the Covid Vaccines which removed the requirement for the Covid Vaccines to be either “safe or effective” while, at the same time, the Defendants promoted, distributed, and marketed the Covid Vaccines as “safe and effective” to the public. And the Defendants didn’t stop there, they went further by coercion the public to take the Covid Vaccines by stripping rights from them or providing financial incentives for taking the Covid Vaccines. What does that do for informed consent? Does this amount to a conspiracy to commit assault and battery on the public? These are questions that we are asking the court to determine. And, I think, the public deserves some answers.”

Alberta lawyer Jeff Rath is Lead Counsel in the class action lawsuit against the Government of Canada. Photo: Rath

“The Government of Canada has already conceded, to the Public Accounts Committee, that the contracts with the manufacturers were rushed, did not contain the normal standards, and provided additional indemnities in favour of the manufacturers,” Eva Chipiuk co-counsel on the case goes on to say. “The Defendants held themselves out as public health experts and gave medical advice to the public at large. They intentionally set out to build a relationship of trust between themselves and the public during the pandemic at a time when they knew the public was vulnerable and afraid. They knew or ought to have known that the public would be relying on their information for their health, safety and protection.”

The class action represents all impacted individuals in Alberta. If you have been injured or otherwise adversely affected by the Covid Vaccines and with to join this class action lawsuit, please register by completing the online form at Should the Court grant permission for this action to proceed as a “Class Action” (also known as “Certification”), you may qualify as a class member whether or not you have registered.

Millions of Canadians relied on the representations of the Defendants at a time when they were particularly vulnerable. We now know that many Canadians suffered physical and psychological injuries due to the misinformation and negligence of the Defendants. This proposed class action lawsuit seeks justice for individuals who have suffered physical and psychological injuries or death due to the alleged negligence and misconduct by the Defendants in respect of the Covid Vaccines. It aims to hold the Defendants accountable and obtain compensation for those adversely affected.