Saturday, July 27, 2024

Pfizer chart details excess myocarditis projected for children: “It’s criminal” says lawyer Rath

Photo: RWN

On November 16th, Alberta lawyer Jeff Rath wrote Prime Minister Justin Trudeau to request, “on behalf of Canadian parents of 5 to 11 year old children that a criminal investigation be immediately opened with regard to fraudulent submissions of Pfizer Corp., regarding the provision of the Pfizer Vaccine to children aged 5 through 11 years of age.”

Lawyer Jeff Rath says the vaccine program approved for children by Health Canada November 19 “is more likely to kill children than the disease itself.” Photo: YouTube

Given that Health Canada approved the program on November 19, Rath now has his work cut out for him.

“Justin Trudeau has failed from one end to the other on the First Nations’ file, and now he seems intent on further endangering children by giving them a vaccine that is more likely to kill them than help them,” says Rath.

“How can you look at Table 14 in Pfizer’s FDA document and come to any other conclusion?”

Rath has obtained a copy of a briefing document to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) which Pfizer reportedly provided to the October 26, 2021 Vaccine Advisory Committee meeting.  The data submitted in the document is fraudulent, Rath says in his letter to Justin Trudeau; Dr. Theresa Tam; Attorney General David Lametti and RCMP Superintendent Brenda Lucki.

“Specifically, the most glaring and obvious example of this fraud, contrary to s.380(1) of the Criminal Code of Canada, is found at Table 14 on p. 35 of the FDA briefing document. That table claims that the Pfizer Vaccine, if provided in a two-dose regimen to 5 to 11 year old children will prevent between 0 and 3 deaths of children per million fully-vaccinated children.

“That same table goes on to admit that Pfizer Vaccine will cause between 53 and 106 excess myocarditis cases, 29 to 58 excess myocarditis hospitalizations, and 17 to 34 excess myocarditis ICU admissions.

“This same table then remarkably makes the fraudulent and completely scientifically unsupportable claim that the Pfizer Vaccine will then cause 0 EXCESS MYOCARDITIS DEATHS and fraudulently and misleadingly does not discuss or acknowledge any other potential causes of death….anaphylaxis, pericarditis, capillary thrombosis, clotting disorders, strokes, transverse myelitis, to name a few.”

Photo: Pfizer FDA briefing document October 26, 2021

As a barrister and solicitor specializing in First Nation’s work, Rath is horrified by the irony of receiving data from Pfizer that acknowledges vaccinating children will result in dozens or hundreds of myocarditis cases, even as Canada continues to uncover the mass graves of earlier generations of indigenous children killed in lethally misguided government programs.

“Trudeau, who has apologized I don’t know how many times for all the crap they’ve done to indigenous kids, is now pushing a product on indigenous children that Pfizer’s own data indicates will kill more children than it saves. Can you tell me why this is going on in 2021? It’s criminal,” he states flatly.

Rath points out that even RCMP members of Mounties for Freedom made specific reference in their “Open Letter to RCMP Commissioner Brenda Lucki” to their discomfort with the situation: “On the 30th of September, we had the opportunity to reflect on such times during our first National Day for Truth and Reconciliation. Under the direction of the Government of Canada, RCMP members were once issued lawful orders to remove children from their homes and transport them to residential schools. Canada is still recovering from the impact of those decisions and actions. The RCMP has yet to regain the trust of some citizens… now we find ourselves in dangerous waters, when RCMP officers are being forced under coercion and duress to participate in actions they believe go against the spirit of Canadian laws.”

“To suggest to the parents of Canada that this product is safe and will not kill or injure more Canadian 5 to 11 year old children than the notional 0 to 3 ‘prevented COVID-19 deaths’ alluded to by Pfizer in its FDA EUA Application constitutes a fraud on the Canadian public and the Canadian Government,” the November 16 letter states.

“They are injecting your child with a substance that is more likely to kill your child than the disease itself,” Rath says angrily.

Two staff members in his law office, recently vaccinated, have been diagnosed with myocarditis. He is considering all legal options, including attempting to have Trudeau tried by the International Criminal Court at the Hague for crimes against humanity and genocide.