Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Will you put Ontario’s new digital ID on your smartphone?

On September 8th, Ontario announced that it will be introducing digital identification,” which can be loaded and accessed on the user’s smartphone.

Because this new digital ID was introduced only a week after the Vaccine Passport was announced on September 1, there remains a great deal of confusion around whether the digital ID will be concern ONLY residents’ drivers’ licenses and health cards; or will include drivers’ licenses, health cards and the new Vaccine Passport which will be required as of September 22 to access select businesses including restaurants, gyms and clubs.

Road Warrior News conducted a short, informal poll asking members of the trucking industry if they were planning to access the new, digital-format ID.

The response was fast and furious: 88 responses were received in a few days which does not make the poll statistically significant, but does give a quick and colourful overview of opinions.

This phone was submitted as one of the models which will likely not accommodate the QR code as part of Ontario’s new digital identification program.

A small handful of responses were positive (3) leaving the balance of the answers ranging from simply negative, to vehemently opposed.

Samples of the positive responses:

“It looks like it is heading that direction. I likely will if it means getting back to somewhat normality.”

“Yes, my bank, credit cards and point cards are all on there. I’m so done. Also, I lose everything, so I’m like, ‘just chip me.’”

Samples of the 70+ negative responses:

“No. If Revenue Canada can’t keep our information safe why would anyone endorse a platform like crackbook (one of the 2 major contenders) to handle it?”

“No good as a driver’s license so what’s the point? It won’t be any good Stateside even if Ontario adds the driver’s license to it.”

“What good is a digital ID if the power goes down say for a day a week a month? You are screwed.”

“Absolutely NOT – The government is using the emergency act to give themselves powers they NEVER would have been able to have, and they are using it to create their digital New World. I will not participate in Tyranny.”

“It is already too easy to hack a person’s phone or their Facebook account so no.”

“Nope, my phone goes dead too easily. The battery in my 20-year-old wallet has never died.”

“Nope, I can’t see it being accepted across border with a county sheriff, and I am definitely not letting them walk away with my phone.”