Saturday, July 27, 2024
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John Tory’s conflict of interest case suspended until after upcoming election

Toronto’s Integrity Commissioner Jonathan Batty has announced that he does not have enough time to complete his investigation into Mayor John Tory before the upcoming election. This means investigation will have to be suspended until after the election is completed.

“In spite of his best efforts, the Integrity Commissioner will not be able to finish his inquiry into Mayor Tory’s apparent conflict of interest before the election period begins and investigations have to end. It will restart after the election,” complainant Adam Chaleff tweeted on August 17th.

Batty informed complainant Adam Chaleff in a letter that all investigations must be completed by August 19th, the last day candidates can register for the election. Batty does not feel he has enough time to complete his investigation, but notes Chaleff can file a new complaint after the election if he wishes.

Members of Toronto’s Taxi industry first pointed out Tory’s potential conflict of interest in 2015, however, the Integrity Commissioner did not have the authority at that time to investigate conflict complaints. That power was provided with new legislation in 2017.