Tuesday, October 22, 2024
Mocha Bezirgan of MediaBezirgan is covering the protest to support the Coutts 4, who have been imprisoned without a hearing for almost two years.

Protesters rally for “Coutts 4” imprisoned without trial for 2 years

A convoy of cars and trucks made their way down to Coutts, Alberta on January 28th to mark the 2nd anniversary of the 2022 border blockade, Media Bezirgan reports. The protesters then made their way back to Lethbridge to do a slow roll in front of the remand where Chris Carbert, one of the four protesters who has been held under pre-trial custody for over 700 days is being held.

“The Coutts 4 are accused of conspiracy to murder by RCMP, but many believe that they’re political prisoners of Justin Trudeau,” independent journalist Mocha Bezirgan says.

The convoy is in support of four protesters, Chris Lysak, Tony Olienick, Chris Carbert, Jerry Morin and James Sowery. The men have been detained in remand facilities since their arrests more than 700 days ago. All are charged with conspiracy to commit murder stemming from the COVID-era border protest which coincided in timing with the Freedom Convoy to Ottawa in February, 2022.

RCMP arrested the accused, as well as several other individuals, during the blockade of trucks and vehicles at the Coutts border, after they say they became aware of a cache of firearms and ammunition.

New and independent media outlet Media Bezirgan covers the rally to support the “Coutts 4.”