Saturday, July 27, 2024
Parent Ewa Mountain attended both the Freedom Convoy in Ottawa and teh March4Kids in Durham. "March 4Kids felt like the sequel to the Freedom Convoy," she told RWN. Photo: Andy Parsons-Sheridan
Guest Commentary

March4Kids “felt like the sequel to the Freedom Convoy”

Photo: Ewa Mountain

By Ewa Mountain

It was a protest of all ages. Many families came out with their young kids. Grandparents and youth were there. It was a day that filled me with HOPE again, just like the day I watched from an overpass as those brave truckers formed an unstoppable convoy headed to Ottawa to make our voices heard and presence known.

Politicans should not poke the Momma bears, Mountain says. Photo: Andy Parsons-Sheridan

The Millions March 4 Kids that happened on September 20th, 2023  across all provinces in Canada is the biggest turn of events in Canadian political and social culture since the Truckers Convoy. In fact, in felt very much like a “sequel” to the Truckers’ Freedom Convoy.

“Enough is enough!” and “Leave our kids alone!” were just a couple of chants being shouted from thousands of parents, as well as concerned Canadians frustrated with the push of gender ideology being shoved in kids’ faces under the umbrella of education. 

I felt empowered that together again, we can stand up against a seeming tidal wave of woke absurdity trying to force itself upon the young and impressionable in our schools. Men and women of various faith backgrounds including Muslims, Sikhs, Jews and Christians came together with this common unifying ground. We marched with the unequivocal message: Back off government, and let kids be kids!

When they start coming for the kids, that’s when they’d better watch out. That’s when they’ve crossed a very big line. The momma and poppa bears within are going to rise up and fight back. This is only the beginning! Watch out, Canada ‘cause if they thought the truckers raised some hairs on political heads, ain’t nobody wanna mess with a parent protecting their young. 

Teachers should not be talking to 5 year olds about gender, parents say. Photo: Andy Parsons-Sheridan
There were lots of kids and teenagers at the March4Kids. Photo: Ewa Mountain