Friday, July 26, 2024


Canada’s mainstream media are having a field day covering Justin Trudeau’s astonishing 24-hour flip-flop of vaccine mandates for Truck drivers. Government spokespersons are calling the complete, 180-degree-reversal an “error,” which is clearly a lie. It’s an “intentional.”

Canada’s January 12th announcement that Truckers would remain exempt from vaccine mandates was reversed on January 13th.

I believe Justin Trudeau is intentionally causing chaos and confusion at the Canada/US border. Of this, there can be no doubt: CSBA and Health Canada both issued clear and comprehensive statements on January 12th that the vaccine exemption for Truckers would remain in place.

After a week of waiting to provide an answer to Road Warrior News, Health Canada made this statement, in writing by email, at 6:38pm on January 12th, and then confirmed it again in writing by email at at 8:58am on January 13th:

“A Canadian driver who is not fully vaccinated will not be denied entry into Canada – Canadian citizens, persons registered as Indians under the Indian Act and permanent residents may enter Canada by right.

 “Unvaccinated, or partially vaccinated, Canadian truck drivers arriving at the border will remain exempt from arrival and post-arrival testing and quarantine requirements under the Minimizing the Risk of Exposure to COVID-19 in Canada Order (Quarantine, Isolation and other Obligations) as crew members.”
Read the full text from Health Canada maintaining Trucker’s exemption here

On November 19, 2021 the Government of Canada announced that as of January 15, 2022, certain groups of foreign national travellers who are currently exempt from entry requirements, will only be allowed to enter the country if they are fully vaccinated with one of the vaccines approved for entry into Canada. These groups include several essential service providers (including truck drivers, and marine researchers).

Please note that final determination regarding entry and quarantine is made by a government representative at the port of entry, based on the information presented to them at the time of entry into Canada. Unvaccinated, or partially vaccinated foreign nationals must meet entry requirements and will be directed back to the United States.

Canadian truckers:

A Canadian driver who is not fully vaccinated will not be denied entry into Canada – Canadian citizens, persons registered as Indians under the Indian Act and permanent residents may enter Canada by right.

Unvaccinated, or partially vaccinated, Canadian truck drivers arriving at the border will remain exempt from arrival and post-arrival testing and quarantine requirements under the Minimizing the Risk of Exposure to COVID-19 in Canada Order (Quarantine, Isolation and other Obligations) as crew members. However, as of January 22nd, 2022, Canadian truck drivers will require vaccination certification in order to enter into the United States, subject to new rules announced by the US Administration.

Any individual who is symptomatic upon arrival to Canada will be directed to a Public Health Agency of Canada (PHAC) border services official and will be directed to isolate for 10 days from the time symptoms first occurred.

American truckers:

As of January 15, 2022, unvaccinated or partially vaccinated American truck drivers will be prohibited entry into Canada.

To qualify as a fully vaccinated traveller and to enter Canada, U.S. cross-border drivers must:

·       have received at least 2 doses of a vaccine accepted for travel, a mix of 2 accepted vaccines

o   or at least 1 dose of the Janssen/Johnson & Johnson vaccine

·       have received their second dose at least 14 full days before they enter Canada

o   For example: if a driver received their second dose anytime on Saturday, January 1, then Sunday, January 16 would be the first day that they would meet the 14 day condition.

·       Have submitted all required COVID-19 information into ArriveCAN.

For more information, please consult the following sources:

·       Government of Canada announces adjustments to Canada’s border measures – News Release

·       Adjustments to Canada’s border and travel measures – Backgrounder

·       COVID-19 Travel: Checklists for requirements and exemptions

·       COVID-19 Emergency OICs in effect

·       COVID-19 vaccinated travellers entering Canada – Check if you qualify as a fully vaccinated traveller

·       Unvaccinated travellers entering Canada during COVID-19

·       Find out if you can enter Canada

Canadian Border Services Agency Rebecca Purdy provided a statement to Global News on January 12th; it appears she also spoke to the Canadian Press.

One statement, made verbally, could be a mistake. A second statement made in writing could possibly be an error. A third statement, 14 hours later on Day #2 of the message track is not an error; that’s a lie.

We cannot, then, pretend the ensuing chaos is the unfortunate and regrettable result of an error. The ensuring chaos is the intentional result of a plan.

Why? Why would Trudeau intentionally create chaos and confusion at the border? Why would they insist upon eliminating a vaccine exemption that the trucking industry has used successfully to keep supply chains moving and store shelves full for the past two years?

Here’s one theory: Trudeau is holding the border, the Truck drivers, and the health of well-being of  families and businesses hostage in order to force one of the last groups of Canadians who refuse to receive the COVID shot, to get the shot.

In Quebec, Premier Legault has announced he will levy a tax on unvaccinated residents. This flies in the face of the Canada Health Act and will probably not survive a court challenge, but it certainly is motivating holdouts to get shots. The threat is working in Quebec.

Trudeau is going further, and punishing the entire nation: until the roughly 20 per cent of Truck drivers who have declined to get the COVID shot submit to his will, Trudeau is going to hold groceries, medicines, auto parts and building supplies hostage at the border.

Trudeau’s strategy has the added benefit of avoiding new legal challenges, beyond the constitutional challenges already launched by Canadians who believe they have the right to decide to which medical procedures they will consent.

“Imagine,” a friend observed last night, “if a number of Truckers refused the vaccine mandate…other people might get it in their heads that they have the right to refuse it, too. Trudeau can’t let that get started. He not only has to force the Truckers to get the shot: he has to make sure everybody SEES he’s making them get the shot.”

Cue the photo opp at the border!

On August 15th, Soviet immigrant Felix Schuster shared with Road Warrior News the two simple steps the communist government used to terrorize the populace: “All they have to do is stop the trucks at the border,” he said. “Then media show pictures of empty store shelves, and people start to panic.”

Trudeau has decided to terrorize the entire nation. If the fading spectre of the omicron variant doesn’t provide enough of a fear factor, endless media images of trucks lined up at the border, empty store shelves, closed businesses and stalled assembly lines will do the trick.

It’s contrived. It’s heartless.

It’s despicable.