Monday, April 29, 2024

Laugh a Little

Yes, the news is important and serious. But geez, can we laugh a little now and then? It’s good for your mental health, which is very serious.

Guest ContributionsLaugh a Little

Confessions of a Young Offender: The Great West Mountain Flood of 1967

During the summer of 1966, I started to lose interest in the things I enjoyed doing at the time, like building skyscrapers and other structures with my girder and panel sets and Stalox mini-brick sets, reading about the universe, swimming up at the Westmount pool, and being a general shit-disturber in school.

I wanted something better. Something more exciting.

I wanted adventure.

Then I learned that a group of my old buddies had taken up smoking. That sounded pretty kewl to me at the time, so I ventured up to the spot where they were known to hang out and started bumming cigarettes from them to prove that I, too, could be super-kewl.

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July 14, 2020: AM General Humvee NXT 360 prototype (Photo by Matt Cashore)
Laugh a LittleOpinion/Column

Leaving the Humvees behind in Afghanistan: “Wouldn’t they just take the keys and sabotage the vehicles?”

I am pretty sure I am not the only person trying to understand how it is possible that the most advanced military force on the globe cannot prevent the Taliban from using the Humvees and billions of dollars worth of other equipment left behind in Afghanistan.

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Guest ContributionsLaugh a LittleOpinion/ColumnTaxi industry news

Vaccine passports

So, first, they license, and then, once they have their hands around your balls, mission creep sets in and they start to behave as if they own you.
Their insatiable hunger never satisfied in their pursuit of dominance and control, politicians are now widening their scope in an effort to put EVERYONE under their thumbs.
Now the issue is immunization passports, which is really just a different word for the same thing – universal licensing.

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