Saturday, July 27, 2024

Brian Peckford, who signed Canadian Constitution, speaking at 2:15pm Saturday

Freedom Convoy 2022 speakers’ list for February 12th. Photo: Freedom Convoy 2022 FB

Brian Peckford is scheduled to speak to the Ottawa Freedom Convoy rally at 2:15pm on Saturday, February 12th.

Peckford is the Former Premier of Newfoundland-Labrador and the last living First Minister who helped negotiate (with 12 other First Ministers of Canada) and sign the Constitution of Canada to include the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms in 1982.

Brian Peckford is the last living signatory to the 1982 Canadian Constitution.

He is the Chair of Taking Back Our Freedoms (TBOF), whose stated mission is posted to its website as follows:

“Our appeal is to both the Coronavirus-19 (C-19) vaccinated and the unvaccinated, to stand together for Freedom and Choice, and to demand of our elected officials to take steps to bring a quick end to the so-called ‘C-19 health Emergencies’ along with their unlawful ‘Mandates’.

“We assert that The Supreme Law of Canada is The Constitution (Sect 52 of the Constitution Act 1982) and not Federal or Provincial edicts, laws or regulations.

“The Provincial Governments by their various draconian measures are violating the Charter (the Supreme Law of Canada) including:

  • Section 2, freedom of assembly, association, religion, conscience, & expression; and
  • Section 6, the right of mobility & to pursue a livelihood anywhere in Canada; and
  • Section 7, the right to life, liberty & the security of the person; and
  • Section 15, the right of equality before the law.

“Such a multitude of violations of rights and freedoms can no longer be justified. It is now clear, many other jurisdictions, both in the USA, and around the world are “managing the C-19 crisis” in a manner that is both highly effective, and that does not require continued violations of the rights and freedoms of their citizens.”

TBOF’s mission statement summarizes with this call to action:

“Embrace Freedom and Choice. End the Emergency.

  • Reject forced C-19 vaccinations of our children and youth.
  • Restore the sacrosanct Doctor-Patient Relationship by allowing Medical Doctors to prescribe to their patient, proven and safe medications for C-19 (like Ivermectin).
  • Embrace ‘Natural Immunity’ as providing broad & lasting immunity against C-19.
  • END the Public Health Emergency.”

Current Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has stated, on video, that he is aware he is attacking Canadians’ constitutional rights but that “we’re still gonna go ahead and do it.”