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NewsTaxi industry news

$1 fare surcharge to help Taxis cover increasing fuel costs on April 29 Licensing agenda

Photo: RWN

The General Government and Licensing Committee will consider Item GL30.10 on April 29th. The item includes a proposal to add a $1 surcharge to Taxi fares as fuel prices rise in Canada.

“Staff are supportive of an increase to taxicab fares to respond to the rapid and unexpected rise in fuel prices that has occurred. This report proposes an amendment to Chapter 546, Vehicle-for-Hire Licensing, to implement a fuel surcharge of $1.00 to the taxicab tariff, effective immediately. It is proposed that the fuel surcharge be applied on a temporary basis until staff can conduct a fulsome review and consultation on taxicab tariffs and fares and report back about current and expected future costs of operating a taxicab, including fuel prices and rates of inflation to inform proposals for any changes to the taxicab fare structure,” the staff recommendation reads.

The General Government and Licensing Committee will meet Friday, April 29, at 9:30 AM
in the Council Chamber and by City Hall/Video Conference.

The full agenda item is available here.

The full Agenda if available here.