Sunday, September 8, 2024
Toronto City Hall Photo:
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Exemption for wheelchair-accessible vehicles proposed in Toronto’s draft Net Zero regulations

Toronto has posted updates to its Vehicle-for-hire by-laws site regarding the recommendations for a “net zero” approach. The draft recommendations suggested by staff would exempt wheelchair-accessible vehicles and permit current hybrid vehicles to stay in use until 2032 (the seven year age limit would still apply).

City staff are proposing the following in the draft regulatory approach:

  • All vehicles used as vehicles-for-hire would be required to be zero emissions as of 2030. Wheelchair accessible vehicles would be exempt from this requirement.
  • The age limit for zero emissions vehicles, used as vehicles-for-hire, would be waived, as long as vehicles pass an annual safety inspection.
  • Hybrid vehicles would be permitted to be used as vehicles-for-hire until 2032. The seven-year vehicle age limit requirement would still apply.
  • The City would consider the needs of the vehicle-for-hire industry when planning and deploying public electric vehicle charging in Toronto.
  • The licensing fees for zero emission vehicles-for-hire would be reduced over the next several years, leading up to 2030.
  • The City would provide additional education resources on zero emission vehicles for the vehicle-for-hire industry.
  • Private transportation companies with over 500 vehicles would be required to offer a pooled-ride option on their platform. Exceptions would be provided for public health emergencies.

Interested parties can provide feedback to the recommendations at Virtual Information Sessions; through an online survey; or by email.