Wednesday, November 13, 2024
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CTA president issues statement on Accessible services

Marc Andre Way, president of the Canadian Taxi Association Photo: CTA

The statement below was issued on July 15th by Marc Andre Way, President of the Canadian Taxi Association, in response to recent incidents in which Accessible Taxi users have experienced delays in obtaining the Accessible services they need:

“We understand that some clients, and especially clients who require Accessible services, have recently endured stressful experiences including service delays. These unfortunate incidents should not occur, ever, and we are very sorry when they do. Please be assured, these regrettable incidents are the opposite of every single thing we strive for everyday in our businesses.

We truly appreciate it when events like these are brought to our attention so that we can work to improve our systems.

Please recall that in 2015, 2016, and 2017, politicians chose to support businesses that make a mockery of the law and of customer service. Rideshare companies were rewarded for their law-breaking by being allowed to skim enormous amounts of the easiest money from the transportation market while providing ZERO accessible services.

At that time, politicians made hasty choices on how Ride-sharing would impact accessibility without seriously thinking of all members. These politicians created avoidable problem by not listening to those of us operating the services, or those with Accessible transportation needs. They were listening to Rideshare.

The Taxi industry has tried since then to fill the gap by service to the Accessible community, while obeying all bylaws and insurance laws. Meanwhile, ride sharing firms continue to have a free pass.

The stressful situations we now deal with on a daily basis were completely predictable; in fact we predicted this, to everyone who would listen, in 2016.

For media who are working on these stories, please feel free to ask the politicians who welcomed Ridesharing with open arms and closed minds about their new proposed solutions to these unfortunate Accessible situations, which Taxi industry staff are now working overtime to address.

Also, we highly encourage you to read the ICIJ’s “Uber Files” while you are researching Accessible transportation.”