Saturday, July 27, 2024
Dr. Paul Artale, motivational speaker, author, athlete.

Are you SOOOOO happy? Why not?

Dr. Paul Artale kicks off TTSAO with work/life balance

With the help of his two-year-old son, Dr. Paul Artale may have found the secret to understanding work/life balance.

“It’s the word ‘so,’” laughs Artale, who is the first speaker up on February 29th at the TTSAO’s annual conference.

“One day, my son asked me ‘Daddy, are you SO happy?’ and I had to stop and think about: that word ‘so’ definitely changes the context of the whole question. Often, I might think ‘I’m happy, yeah, OK,’ that’s not unusual. But ‘SO’ happy? That’s a different feeling.

“When people are burned out, they’re not ‘so’ happy. When you ask yourself  why you’re not ‘so’ happy, you have to look at the whole blueprint of your life to find out why.”

“Are You So Happy?” is one of the chapters in Artale’s most recent book, “A Two-Year-Old’s Guide to Work/Life Balance.”

Artale’s considerable reputation as an athlete, a motivational speaker and university administrator precede him to the February 29th event, hosted by the Truck Training Schools Association of Ontario (TTSAO). However, his connection to TTSAO pre-dates this conference, as TTSAO president Philip Fletcher was Artale’s football position coach at the University of Toronto during the years Artale was learning how to combine mind control and athletics, and the first coach to put him in a game.

Artale’s books and videos are available on his website

“Paul’s attitude, his energy, his approach to life is so incredible,” notes Fletcher, who was the first university football coach to ever play Artale in a game, “that’s why he’s opening the conference first thing in the morning: to motivate everybody!”

Artale’s website notes that despite being born with what some would call a physical “disability,” Paul’s dream was to play college football. “Despite being cut from his high school team, Paul Artale walked on and played defensive end for the University of Toronto. Paul uses his experience of overcoming physical adversity to play college football to teach organizations how to create high performance culture through leveraging strengths, adapting to life’s circumstances, and creating transformational opportunities.”

“Happiness and work-life balance are like muscles that you build,” he points out. “During this talk, I will be focusing specifically helping people find out what is important to them, which is the cornerstone of work-life balance.”

The theme of the TTSAO conference this year is “Take a Quantum Leap into the Future” and it will be held once again at the Lion’s Head Golf and Country Club in Brampton with a conference room package available at the Fairfield Inn & Suites Toronto Mississauga.

Keynote speaker Heather Grondin will bring a multi-media update on the Gordie Howe International Bridge project, which is a once-in-a-generation undertaking.

Ontario’s Minister of Transportation Prabmeet Sarkaria has confirmed his attendance and will bring greetings.

Illustrating one of the first and most important quantum leaps of 2024, Caleb Krahn of DriverVerified will share information on the recent “Heavy G” training program launched jointly by TTSAO and DriverVerified.

PJ Barkley of Impirica Solutions will present the newest information on the ExceleRATE proactive driver risk evaluation program and also DriveABLE a tool that measures cognitive impairment of medically at-risk drivers.

To register for the 2024 conference, visit the TTSAO’s website.