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Toronto convoy largely peaceful and respectful

Bloor and Avenue Road, February 5th 2022 Toronto Freedom Convoy. The convoy was not allowed south to Queen’s Park, however, hundreds of trucks and thousands of protesters joined to call for vaccine mandates to be lifted. Photo: Steve Paikin

The Freedom Convoy to Toronto was been carefully been deemed a qualified success by media and politicians in that city.

“After a full day demonstrating, the trucks and protesters who had blocked Avenue and Bloor have been safely moved out. We appreciated the cooperation as we opened, and returned the intersection for safe use by residents and businesses. Officers will remain in the area over the weekend,” said Toronto Police Chief James Ramer on the evening of February 5th.

“From everything I have seen, the Saturday protest in Toronto was largely peaceful and respectful as I had hoped it would be. That it occurred in that manner is a credit to the leadership shown by Chief Ramer. I can say from my own vantage point that the Chief and his entire command team had a clear plan which was carried out capably and carefully and which I supported,” Toronto Mayor John Tory tweeted on February 5th.

“I am most grateful for the outcome and extend my thanks as well to Toronto residents and businesses who showed great patience and understanding while the protest was taking place.”

The Toronto Sun reported “Overall, the day was judged a generally peaceful…people on both sides of the equation said they just want things to open up.”

“Throughout the afternoon, people gathered waving flags and signs, singing, chanting and even playing volleyball,” wrote columnist Brian Lilley.

At time of posting, Freedom Convoy 2022 had not replied to Road Warrior News’ request for comment.