Friday, July 26, 2024
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Taxi fees back to 100%, VFH age extended another year, new report recommends

The City of Toronto’s staff report outlining recommendations to achieve net zero emissions by 2030 for the vehicle-for-hire industry is currently tracking to the Economic and Community Development Committee on September 21st and City Council in October, Taxi News has learned through an email from Vehicle for Hire staff.

The report will include details regarding a recommended approach to support the vehicle-for-hire industry in achieving the goal of net zero goal by 2030, as set by City Council. The approach includes:

1. Requiring vehicles-for-hire to be zero-emission vehicles by 2030 (with some exceptions);

2. Providing a reduction in licensing fees for zero-emission vehicles-for-hire; and removing the COVID reduction on taxi and limousine renewal fees, bringing them back to 100%; 

3. Supporting the expansion of vehicle charging infrastructure;

4. Waiving the vehicle age limit for zero-emission vehicles-for-hire;

5. Extending vehicles-for-hire due for replacement by March 31, 2024 for one more year;

6. Permitting plug-in hybrid vehicles to operate as vehicles-for-hire until 2032; and

7. Providing education on zero-emission vehicles-for-hire.

More information, including how to provide comments to Committee, will be provided once the meeting agenda is finalized. Indsustry members with questions can email [email protected].