Tuesday, October 15, 2024
According to Elections Canada Table #8 2021 Elections results, less than 15 per cent of the Canadian population - fewer than one in three voters - voted for Justin Trudeau https://www.elections.ca/res/rep/off/ovr2021app/53/table8E.html
Democracy & GovernmentGuest ContributionsOpinion/Column

Maybe something to be thankful for by Christmas?

For Justin, the party is over

By Lindsay Prescott

This week, more than 40 Liberal Members of Parliament have finally gone public saying that Justin Trudeau must go.

The caucus revolt was led by the Atlantic Canada caucus chair Kody Blois who, according to recent opinion polls, will likely lose his seat in the next election.

And most of the other rebels are also likely to become unemployed ex-MPs.

Of the 160 Liberals elected in the last federal election just 53 have a chance of being re-elected, according to Canada’s most reliable poll aggregator, 338 Canada.

A close advisor to Justin’s father recalls that back in the day, Pierre concluded it was time to go when he could see that he was losing the support of his Parliamentary caucus.

By contrast, Justin doesn’t seem to care what his caucus thinks.

After devastating by-election losses in long time Liberal “sure-win” seats in Toronto and Montreal, Trudeau blamed the voters and panic set in among Liberal MPs.

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau Photo: CPAC

They tried to tell Trudeau privately that it was time for him to go, but they were rebuffed.

Now they say they were forced to go public.

Meanwhile, his naïve, but ultra loyal staff are rudely reminding MPs and their staff that Trudeau is the only reason they even have their jobs, as they ignore what voters told MPs on the summer BBQ circuit – that Trudeau must go.

One MP in a former Liberal stronghold in mid-Toronto sees the writing on the wall. He already updated his resume and is circulating it to potential employers.  

And he’s not the only one.

For example, at a summer BBQ for long-time organizers in the former Liberal stronghold of Peel Region in suburban Toronto, not one of the attendees said they would support Trudeau in the next election. Ouch.

As well, leadership hopefuls were also busy trolling for votes from grassroots Liberals this summer.

Two of Justin’s favourites in Cabinet, Melanie Joly and Dominic LeBlanc were campaigning hard to replace him when he finally goes.

Do they know something we don’t?                                                                                     

And Senator Grafstein, a main man for Pierre Trudeau, is promoting Mark Carney, Trudeau’s new non-Parliamentary Minister of Finance who has killed Chrystia Freeland’s ambitions, by calling Liberals across Canada to garner support.

As one Liberal insider said, “It’s time to save the ship, not the captain.”


Lindsay Prescott is a life-long Liberal who has worked as a staff person, supporter, donor, and volunteer. He currently considers himself a “disaffected Liberal.” Lindsay Prescott is his pen name.