Friday, July 26, 2024

iMVR adds manual transmission, voice overs, eye movement tracking to 2023 software

“The ability to replay the e-transcript opens the door to mentorship, getting highest value your most experienced drivers, and can provide a real sense of worth to retirees,” says Vickie DeVos of iMVR. Photo: iMVR

TTSAO’s 30th Anniversary conference will let industry members actually experience how far training technology has advanced, says Vickie DeVos of iMVR.

“TTSAO will bring together three Canadian simulator suppliers in the same place, at the same time,” DeVos points out. “iMVR, DriveWise with L3M, and Virage, we will all be there. Attendees will be able to walk from one to the other and try them out, see what is new, and to determine which product suits their particular needs.”

DeVos and her iMVR team will be at the Truck Training Schools Association of Ontario (TTSAO) on February 21 and 22, demonstrating their award-winning IRIS technology, designed to combine virtual reality technology with critical skills learning.

“We’ve added manual transmission simulation, which was our Q4-22 advancement,” DeVos says. “We are focussed on the skill set of the driver, including pre-trip inspections, best practice safety checks, backing into the loading bay. Our simulations  take the driver out of the driver seat, to all of the other important areas they need to master.”

New to the pre-trip checklist simulation is voice-over instructions, and in Q2 this year, students will actually see their “hands” within the virtual reality.

“The ability to replay the e-transcript after the session allows it to be used as a highly effective tool for discussion afterward – this also opens the door to mentorship, getting highest value your most experienced drivers, and can provide a real sense of worth to retirees. Being able to assess the skillset of driver is imperative when it comes to who is asking the question.”

“Our eye-tracking features are leading edge – in fact, one of the TTSAO presentations will be by McMaster University which will provide in-depth information on the benefits of this technology.”

 The McMaster Digital Transformation Research Center uses facial recognition tools to determine whether the student able to absorb the information that they’re being taught; whether they’re showing frustration: whether they’re showing confusion: whether they show acceptance; or whether they show distraction, as all of that can be measured and monitored using facial recognition.

Eye tracking, along with the portability of the system, light weight, multi-user capabilites and replay functions are key features, and all will be available to experience at the TTSAO conference.