Monday, March 17, 2025
On March 14th photo opp, Mark Carney signed a completely fake document to prove he is eliminating the Carbon Tax, a move he said would be a relief for "hard-pressed Canadians." Carney completely ignored the fact that Canadians are hard-pressed BECAUSE of the Carbon Tax he has promoted for nine years. He also appeared not to realize Canada's Prime Minister does not sign the required Order in Council document: the Governor General does. Staff who organized and approved the fake signing, including high-ranking experts like Gerald Butts and Katie Telford, either did not realize no such document for signing exists in Canada, or they are so in love with Donald Trump's successful "Executive Order Signing Photo Opps" that they just invented a Canadian version which carries no weight in law. Either way, it's a disturbing thought. Image: CPAC
Democracy & GovernmentOpinion/Column

Don’t be fooled – He’s still Carbon Tax Carney

Forgive me for scoffing at MPs clapping like trained seals

Dan McTeague, President, Canadians for Affordable Energy Photo: CAE

Over the next several days you will see headline after headline proclaiming that the Carbon Tax is old news, because Mark Carney has repealed it. ‘Promises made, promises kept!’ will be the line spouted by our bought-and-paid-for media, desperate to prevent Pierre Poilievre from winning the election.

Of course, this will be the same media who has spent the past few years declaring that Canadians love, are positively infatuated with, Carbon Taxation. So forgive me for scoffing at their sudden about-face, clapping like trained seals when Justin Trudeau’s newly anointed heir waives his pen and proclaims to the electorate that the Carbon Tax is dead.

The thing is, it’s not. It’s still there. And it will still be there as long as Mark Carney is running the show.

And of course it will. Mark Carney is an environmentalist fanatic and lifelong Apostle of Carbon Taxation. Just listen carefully to everything he’s said since he threw his hat in the ring to take over as PM. He’s said that the Carbon Tax “served a purpose up until now,” but that it’s become “too divisive.” He was careful to always pledge to repeal the Consumer Carbon Tax, rather than the entire thing. And in the end he didn’t even do that, just zeroed it out for the time being.

Carney and the Trudeaupians in his cabinet haven’t had some kind of massive conversion. They’ve not done any soul searching. There’s no repentance here for having made our lives harder and more expensive. They remain ideologically opposed to Affordable Energy.

The fact is, the only reason they’re changing anything is because we noticed.

They’re determined that that won’t happen again. The Carbon Tax will live on, but as hidden as it can possibly be, buried under every euphemism and with every accounting trick they can think of.

Trust me, we at CAE would be taking a victory lap if the Carbon Tax were really dead. We did as much as anyone – and more than most! – to wake Canadians up to what it was doing to our quality of life, our ability to gas up our cars, heat our homes, and afford our groceries. When the day comes that this beast is actually slain, we will have quite the celebration.

But that day is not today. 

What happened, instead, was that an elitist Green ideologue shuffled the deck chairs on the Titanic in the hopes that the working people of Canada would miss the Net-Zero iceberg bearing down on us.

Don’t be fooled!


Dan McTeague, President of Canadians for Affordable Energy

An 18 year veteran of the House of Commons, Dan is widely known in both official languages for his tireless work on energy pricing and saving Canadians money through accurate price forecasts. His Parliamentary initiatives, aimed at helping Canadians cope with affordable energy costs, led to providing Canadians heating fuel rebates on at least two occasions.

Widely sought for his extensive work and knowledge in energy pricing, Dan continues to provide valuable insights to North American media and policy makers. He brings three decades of experience and proven efforts on behalf of consumers in both the private and public spheres. Dan is committed to improving energy affordability for Canadians and promoting the benefits we all share in having a strong and robust energy sector.