Thursday, October 24, 2024

Doctors supporting the Freedom Convoy to convene public scientific forum February 11th, Ottawa – invites sent to Tam, Njoo

Dr. Byram Bridle, PhD, Viral Immunologist, wants to see the evidence federal officials used to lock down Canada for the first time in history. Photo: Steve Kirsch

Doctors in support of the Truckers’ Freedom Convoy are inviting senior health officials to participate in a public scientific forum on Friday, February 11th at the Marriott Hotel in Ottawa.

Subject matter experts in COVID-19, medicine, immunology, epidemiology, and virology, including Dr. Byram Bridle, Dr. Paul Alexander, and Dr. Roger Hodkinson have extended an invitation to an open and fair discussion with senior Health Administrative representatives of the Federal Government, Dr. Theresa Tam and Dr. Howard Njoo and the Chair of the National Advisory Committee on Immunization, Dr. Shelley Deeks.

“I don’t care what side of the narrative anyone is on; censorship and discouragement of respectful scientific discussions is wrong. This is a necessary component of the scientific process to facilitate transparent education of the public,” wrote Dr. Bridle in a letter to supporters on February 8th.

“Canadians pay their public servants to do this as part of our duties and you deserve to be able to make the most informed decisions possible to safeguard your health.

“Censorship is one of the key problems that has led to the erosion of freedoms that we now need to take back. Everyone needs to encourage the three invited health officials to perform their duty to the public and participate in this event. If these health officials don’t participate, they will be sending a clear message to all Canadians: that they lack the confidence to ‘walk the walk’.

“If they do not show up, those pushing the narrative will need to ask why their champions are afraid to step into the arena to demonstrate the robustness of their rationale to keep Canadians locked down, segregated and imprisoned within what was once a free democracy.”

The Doctors have sent invitation letters to the three senior Health Administrative officials (posted below). The letter to Tam reads, in part:

“Since the beginning of this declared pandemic, Canadian experts in immunology, virology, epidemiology, evidence-based medicine, academic science, and clinical medicine have been asking to have a public debate regarding the science that has been used by public health to justify the restrictions and mandates.

“Given that the government claims we are in a state of emergency, we feel this discussion needs to be expedited and brought before the Canadian public.

“Specifically, we are requesting that the Health Authorities supply the associated evidence and data that demonstrably justify their case for the public health emergency and the initiation and continuation of mandates.”

“As you are aware,” the Doctors’ media release states, “there is a growing number of Canadians – led and inspired by the Freedom Convoy 2022 – who have traveled from across the nation to peacefully assemble in solidarity with the truckers.

“This movement is a lawful protest that is making its presence known across the country, and has garnered support not only throughout our nation, but also internationally. We are calling upon all Governments of Canada to publicly declare an end to the health emergency, and an end to all COVID-19 mandates both provincially and federally, as the evidence is clear that there is no health emergency, and the mandates cannot be supported scientifically.

The release notes that twelve global nations including the UK and the Nordic nations of Denmark, Norway, and Sweden have now either dropped mandates entirely or will in the immediate future.

Canada’s national media are being invited to the event, which will be livestreamed, with an open invitation having been issued to all ‘alternative’ and legacy media sources.