Tuesday, October 22, 2024
Prime Minister Justin Trudeau
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Did China help Liberal MP Dong win seat? Trudeau vows to protect Dong from “anti-Asian racism”

Although most successful politicians are adept at avoiding giving direct answers to hard questions, Justin Trudeau may have elevated the practice to an art form unequalled in human history. Some media question whether he wears an earpiece and is being fed responses. Photo: CPAC/YouTube

Video clip from press conference February 27, 2023. When asked about Global News’ report that the Chinese Communist Party helped Liberal Han Dong win his riding of Don Valley East in the 2021 election, Prime Minister vowed to protect Dong from “anti-Asian racism.” Video: CPAC/YouTube

“Suggestions that he is somehow not loyal to Canada should not be entertained” Trudeau insists of Han Dong

Below is a transcript of the exchange between a reporter and Prime Minister Justin Trudeau at a February 27th press conference. Earlier in the conference, media asked Trudeau to comment on Global News’ report that the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) had bussed senior citizens in from outside the riding of Don Valley East to vote to for Liberal Han Dong. The report said that international Chinese students were also bussed in from outside the riding and told they would be returned to China unless they voted for Dong.


CBC reporter Lorenda Reddekopp: “Prime Minister, just a follow up on that question on CSIS and Han Dong.

Are you saying that they didn’t warn you?

Or were you warned, and you chose to dismiss it for some reason? Just wanted some clarification.”

Trudeau: “Once again, one of the things we’ve seen, unfortunately over the past years, is a rise in anti-Asian racism linked to the pandemic, and concerns being raised or arisen around people’s loyalties.

I want to make everyone understand fully, that Han Dong is an outstanding member of our team. And suggestions that he is somehow not loyal to Canada should not be entertained.

Much of what CSIS actually does, in keeping Canadians safe involves protecting various diaspora communities from influence of authoritarian governments around the world.

We will continue to make sure we are working with CSIS to make sure that as every MP serves their community, that they do so in a way that they are kept safe, and that is true to the Canadian values and the Canadian principles that we all stand by.

CSIS is active in fighting against foreign interference. And part of its tools for doing that is making sure that political parties and individual politicians are alert to the potential influences they may be faced with.

That is something we will continue to work closely with CSIS on as we move forward because not just our democracy needs to be protected in an abstract way, but the individuals choosing to serve their communities who may be seen as greater targets for various countries that need to be protected as well.

And that’s what we work with CSIS on. Thank you.”

Don Valley East has been a safe Liberal riding since it was created in 1993. In “safe” ridings such as DVE, winning the nomination is virtually a guarantee of becoming the Member of Parliament. Global News reports that CSIS warned Justin Trudeau not to certify Han Dong as the Liberal candidate, but that Trudeau did not heed their warning that Dong might be a Chinese Communist-Party supported candidate. Photo: Toronto Modern