Saturday, July 27, 2024
Road Warrior News is celebrating the second anniversary of the Truckers' Freedom Convoy
Democracy & GovernmentNewsTrucking

Convoy participants file lawsuit against Trudeau, Freeland

On February 14th, Alberta law firm Loberg Ector LLP commenced proceedings in Ontario Superior Court of Justice (Ottawa) on behalf of 20 victims of the Trudeau government’s unconstitutional misuse of the provisions of the Emergencies Act in February, 2022. 

The Plaintiffs in this action seek compensation and related relief arising from the unjustified and unconstitutional actions of the Liberal government, as well as the actions of certain police agencies and Canadian financial institutions who followed the unlawful orders of the Liberal government, and other defendants who participated in or promoted these actions.

“A democracy is only as strong as its commitment to the rule of law,” Loberg Ector notes in a statement, “and when a government decides that it’s not bound by the law of Canada, the resulting unlawful action not only breaks the law, it undermines and degrades the very democracy that put that government in power in the first place. These unlawful actions also undermine the integrity of our community and tells Canadian citizens that they can no longer rely on the government to protect our liberty and freedom, but instead they should be fearful of a government that considers themselves unrestrained by the rule of law.

“This is not about any single instance of free speech, or any particular protest, and it specifically does not matter how anyone feels about the Freedom Convoy Protest. What matters is the obligation the government has to the people of this nation to obey the law. This litigation is about that obligation.”

Convoy lawyer Keith Wilson noted on Twitter: “On the 2-year anniversary of the Federal Government illegally invoking war measures against its citizens and targeting key protestors in Ottawa by freezing their bank accounts, today Tamara Lich, Chris Barber, Tom Marazzo, Danny Bulford and other protestors who were targeted by Justin Trudeau and Chrystia Freeland have filed lawsuits against the Federal Government.

“Section 24 of our Charter of Rights and Freedoms gives Canadians the right to sue their government for damages when Charter rights are violated. Doing so affirms the seriousness of respecting Charter rights and is intended to deter future governments from breaching Canadians’ fundamental rights. The lawsuits seek $2 million in damages.”