

Driving schools selling certificates, forged documents in CBC undercover report

“Biggest lesson? It’s easy to cheat the system” The Canadian Broadcasting Corporation (CBC) sent reporters with hidden cameras undercover to expose driving schools selling fraudulent certificates for cash. The result was angry instructors, with at least one sending threatening texts

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Heavy G training “a quantum leap forward” – Fletcher

Caleb Krahn to provide update at TTSAO conference today The “Heavy G” training presentation on February 29th serves as possibly the best example of “taking a quantum leap into the future,” says Philip Fletcher of TTSAO. “We want to encourage

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Autographed print surprise donation to TTSAO auction

16 authenticated autographs signed, PSA authenticated In a surprise donation, the Truck Training Schools Association of Ontario has received a numbered print (395 of 1,000) of an original painting of the National Hockey League’s “500 Goal Scorers” as an auction

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NewsRoad Safety DiscussionTrucking

“Maybe they could just answer their emails”

“Government does not have to spend money to find out what we think“ Truckers for Safer Highways co-founder Travis McDougall was bemused to learn that Canada’s federal government is paying a consulting firm to conduct discussion groups on barriers in

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