Canada 2.0

Canada, the True North Strong and Free, is failing. Our nation, founded upon the premises of the Supremacy of God and the Rule of Law, is in danger of collapsing into tyranny and chaos. RWN’s category “Canada 2.0” is dedicated to coverage of the crucially important individuals and groups who have committed their efforts to recovering and rebuilding Canada.

Canada 2.0Democracy & GovernmentNews

Trudeau’s right to prorogue Parliament heard by court

“What’s stopping the next Prime Minister from proroguing indefinitely?” Canada’s historic prorogation court hearings wrapped up on February 14th. Chief Justice Paul S. Crampton listened to arguments from the Justice Centre for Constitional Freedoms on February 13th, and then from

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Canada 2.0Democracy & GovernmentOpinion/Column

The truth about the Truckers’ Freedom Convoy

Who were these men and women? Where did they come from, what did they believe, why did they do what they did? February 14th Update: This article has been updated since it originally ran on February 8th. It has been

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Canada 2.0Opinion/Column

Don’t give up on Canada; go all in!

It’s always darkest before the dawn By Spencer Fernando Canada is at a low point. We face the possibility of economically devastating tariffs from the U.S. Parliament is prorogued. The Prime Minister put the interests of his political party above

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Canada 2.0Democracy & GovernmentOpinion/ColumnTrucking

The best of what it means to be Canadian

We came together with peace and purpose, dedication, generosity and hope by Brandon Austin As I look back on our incredible journey during the Freedom Convoy to Ottawa in 2022, I am overwhelmed with emotions that words alone can’t begin

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