Author: RWN Staff

NewsRide Hailing newsTaxi industry news

VFH, visual identity powers in Highway Traffic Act

Question follows Peel sexual assaults by fake rideshare driver Ontario’s Minister of Transportation Prabmeet Sarkaria told Road Warrior News that re-visiting effective Visual Identity requirements for Vehicles for Hire (VFH) is something he would discuss with the Ministry of Transportation

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NewsRide Hailing newsTaxi industry news

Fletcher concerned about “unidentified PTCs”

“There’s no identifier, and yet, there they are picking somebody up“ Unidentified Private Transportation Vehicles in Toronto’s downtown core “doing 180s,” stopping in bike lanes and picking up fares are a concern for Toronto-Danforth Councillor Paula Fletcher. “I’m quite concerned

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Democracy & GovernmentNewsRide Hailing newsTaxi industry newsToronto VHF Review

“Right and wrong have become blurred” says Uber driver Goodman

Before Canada had a minimum wage law in 1920, workers were exploited with long hours and low pay, lacking legal protection. Gig workers today face a similar, ugly situation. The difference now is that with the modern propaganda, misinformation, facts

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NewsRide Hailing newsTaxi industry newsToronto VHF Review

John Tory made a mistake with Uber, says Perks

“We have to fight hard to claw it all back, but we can do it“ Veteran Toronto Councillor Gord Perks unleashed on Uber and John Tory in an epic display of honesty and accuracy seldom experienced by jaded City Hall

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