Thursday, October 17, 2024
In the decade since rideshare has been legalized, drivers have realized how much money it costs to pay for fuel and vehicle maintenance. Many are protesting now in hopes of keeping more of their earnings. All of this information was available to governments in 2014, before the "wild wild west" was created in ground transportation. Photo: Earla Philips
Democracy & GovernmentOpinion/ColumnRide Hailing newsTaxi industry news

Welcome to the wild, wild west

Fake signs, bandit cabs, airport protests were all avoidable by Marc Andre Way Travellers flying out of Pearson International Airport today may be surprised to see Uber drivers protesting their poverty earnings. Drivers want the public to know that Uber’s

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CBC's Marketplace interviews a driver examiner who details how cheating scams work. Image: CBC

CBC covers fake trucking schools

“It’s not new to us:” TTSAO Ontario’s Truck driver training industry was the subject of a scathing CBC Marketplace segment on October 11th. Journalists went undercover with a student looking for truck driver training at several trucking schools located in

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"Cities in Ontario have seen an explosion of bike lanes, including many that were installed during the pandemic when fewer vehicles were on the road and their impacts on traffic were unclear,” said Prabmeet Sarkaria, Minister of Transportation on October 15th.
NewsRide Hailing newsTaxi industry news

Proposed legislation to restrict new bike lanes

“I had tears in my eyes” Taxi spokesperson admits This article was updated at 7:40am October 16th with a quote from Kristine Hubbard. The Ontario government is introducing legislation that would, if passed, require municipalities to receive approval from the

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According to Elections Canada Table #8 2021 Elections results, less than 15 per cent of the Canadian population - fewer than one in three voters - voted for Justin Trudeau
Democracy & GovernmentGuest ContributionsOpinion/Column

Maybe something to be thankful for by Christmas?

For Justin, the party is over By Lindsay Prescott This week, more than 40 Liberal Members of Parliament have finally gone public saying that Justin Trudeau must go. The caucus revolt was led by the Atlantic Canada caucus chair Kody

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In addition to viewing the RoboTaxi at Tesla's WeRobot event, media could drink free alcohol at bars staffed by robot bartenders. Image: YouTube
NewsOpinion/ColumnTaxi industry newsTrucking

Tesla’s RoboTaxi claims are a true fantasy

Drivers, fleet managers, safety supervisors, fuel suppliers can all retire now We’ll be able to “turn parking lots into parks” once Tesla’s RoboTaxi gets rolling in 2027, Elon Musk announced October 10th at Warner Studios in Los Angeles. Wow. Parking

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