Monday, March 31, 2025
Striking PSAC workers "take" the Portage Bridge on April 28th. Photo: Rob Primo, Twitter
Laugh a LittleNewsTrucking

Striking workers “take” the Portage Bridge in Ottawa; no riot cops, police horses in sight

The ongoing occupation of Wellington Street and other parts of downtown Ottawa by striking Public Service Alliance of Canada (PSAC) workers is providing a source of ironic humour on social media.

“PSAC is taking the Confederation Bridge!” reports “Far Right Affiliationist and Human Rights Defender” Rob Primo. “They are occupying critical infrastructure – assisted by the Ottawa Police!”

“Last year, we had the Freedom Convoy. This year, we have the Freeloader Convoy,” wrote YouTuber Clyde DoSomething.

PSAC says that while negotiations have achieved some success in the areas of telework, compensation and job security, not enough progress has been made to end the strike.