Wednesday, March 12, 2025
All of these brave men got together on May 28th to announce they are improving their internal combustion engines. There was not a Net-Zero politician to be seen. Subaru: Atsushi Osaki, Representative Director, President and CEO; Tetsuo Fujinuki, Director, Senior Managing Executive Officer and CTO; Toyota: Koji Sato, President, Member of the Board of Directors and CEO; Hiroki Nakajima, Executive Vice President and CTO; Mazda: Masahiro Moro, Representative Director, President and CEO; Ichiro Hirose, Director, Senior Managing Executive Officer and CTO Photo: Toyota
Canada 2.0Democracy & GovernmentOpinion/Column

TWO breaths of fresh air in one weekend!

Medical doctor, auto builders offer truth on COVID, combustion engines

RWN/Taxi News publisher Rita Smith

Before virtually all mainstream news was obvious propaganda, back when politicians used to spin but not blatantly lie, in the days when you could breathe air without being gaslit, brave people spoke the truth without fear.

In more recent years, spinning, lying, and gaslighting are the order of the day. Even a small, accidental release of the truth can make you gasp and catch your breath at the audacity it must have taken for that person to speak. So, to revel in not just one but TWO instances of obvious truth being spoken in one weekend seems like a fantastic miracle!

Hearing from Dr. Greg Passey at the National Citizens’ Inquiry (NCI) and supporters of the Internal Combustion Engine at Subaru, Toyota and Mazda may offer you the most common sense and encouragement you have enjoyed in a while.


I really wanted to view every minute of the National Citizen’s Inquiry (NCI) last week. As life would have it, however, May 30, 31st and June 1st were so busy I was not able to do so.

On Sunday morning, I went looking for the newest NCI testimonies to listen to while I worked on household chores. To my (initial) disappointment, last week’s testimonies have not yet been posted (I assume that will happen very shortly.)

While I was on the NCI site, I perused historical videos for one I had not yet seen, and as luck would have it, I came across Dr. Greg Passey. A physician for 42 years, he was a doctor in Canada’s Armed forces for 22 years. Passey has practised in family medicine, emergency medicine, PTSD [post-traumatic stress disorder] and associated medical health assessment and treatment. He is also trained in nuclear, biological, and chemical warfare.

This man just opened his mouth and out came the truth, bold and courageous, mesmerizing and articulate. He didn’t buy ANY of the government’s COVID bullshit, and he expresses disdain for those who did.

A few of his choicest comments are listed below – but please don’t take my word for it. Go to the NCI site and listen to his entire testimony. I promise you will feel so much better about life on Earth after you’ve heard Dr. Passey speak for five minutes:

“Science that can’t be questioned is just propaganda.”

“When Trudeau said, ‘Follow the science, when Bonnie Henry said, ‘We’re following the science,’ what they didn’t tell you was that they’re following the political science, not the medical science. The evidence is clear; it’s out there. They’ve been offered debates. Our experts will debate your experts. Let’s do this.
Let’s televise it. Let’s inform the public. Never happened, nor will it.”

“I have absolutely no idea why our government and our public health people did not pursue a treatment research regime while they were attempting to do vaccines. Makes no sense, at all.”

“I want to talk briefly about Dr. Bonnie Henry. She served with me in the military. I was her superior officer at that time. She served for, I believe, it was 10 years. She would have been trained in nuclear, biological, and chemical warfare because she was in the military through the Gulf War. So she knew about what was necessary in regards to respirators and safety equipment…And she’s worked on other things: polio, Ebola, SARS, et cetera. So she’s knowledgeable. She should have known about the designation for masks, that they aren’t effective for COVID…so despite the knowledge of the medical science, she and other public health officials in Canada recommended mask mandates and indoor lockdowns—when we know fresh air is good for you: it’s unlikely to be spread in fresh air.”

“One of the things that was really interesting is that the original definition of immunization was ‘the act of introducing a vaccine into the body to produce immunity to a specific disease.’ Once COVID arrived, they changed the definition. It’s no longer immunity: it’s been switched to protection. The term ‘vaccine’ also got a makeover. The CDC’s definition changed from ‘a product that stimulates a person’s immune system to produce immunity to a specific disease,’ to the
current, ‘a preparation that is used to stimulate the body’s immune response against diseases’…so basically, to accommodate the RNA injections, the definitions were changed in regards to vaccines versus gene treatment.”

“I consider myself part of the outraged, moderate majority in Canada. I also consider myself a defender of Canada. Not the Canada that we have today. The Canada that ‘was,’ where there was freedom of speech. You could share medical ideas. You took care of your neighbours. You didn’t ostracize; you didn’t point fingers. You didn’t attempt to segregate people. Our Canada has changed.”


I was still marvelling at the miracle of Dr. Passey’s plain words when I came across the May 28th “Multipathway Workshop” event co-sponsored by Toyota, Subaru and Mazda. The executive teams of all three corporations held a press conference to announce that the Internal Combustion Engine (ICE) not only is not dead yet, but is actually useful and helpful to humanity!

Speakers and presenters included members from all three companies, who are acknowledging that it makes some sense for them to share research in order to speed up improvements, make the world a better place and “deliver happiness” to all. They used words including “working together” and “co-operating.” Not a single tax-payer funded, non-auto producing, Net-Zero politician spoke at the event.

“Part of these efforts to deliver happiness to all, including future generations, is our commitment to creating a carbon neutral society to ensure that we preserve the Earth’s precious environment for future Generations,” said Atsushi Osaki, CEO of Subaru.

 “Along with the rest of the auto industry, we must make steady realistic progress towards carbon-neutrality across the entire cycle of our vehicles in accordance with the actual conditions of individual countries. Just as renewable energy comes from the mix of solar, wind, hydro, and geothermal the same is also true for vehicle energy sources with diverse technology capable of achieving carbon neutrality.

“The technologies we choose are merely means to an end and we must flexibly accommodate various circumstances and requirements and in this context. At Subaru, we are navigating this period of a great transformation by focusing on flexibility and expandability. It goes without saying that we are developing and advancing our battery EV related technology and services; yet ultimately, it is up to customers to decide what kind of a car is best for them. As we work to make our automotive future carbon neutral, we recognize the need for flexibility and a diversity offering customers and a society choices.”

Road Warrior News carries the entire “Multipathway Workshop” media release here, and you should go read it in its entirely. You can also visit the Toyota corporate website to view additional materials.

It will deliver both practical common sense, and happiness.

May 28, 2024