Wednesday, October 23, 2024
Former Finance Minister Bill Morneau took the fall for Trudeau's "We" Scandal in 2020. Photo: Rob Davis
Democracy & GovernmentOpinion/Column

Trudeau will get turfed by Liberals, insider says

Justice for Justin – good bye to “happy days and sunny ways”

By Lindsay Prescott

The end is near for Justin Trudeau, but he won’t be thrown out of office by Canadian voters. It will come from his own Liberal Party, later this year.

Some Members of Parliament have already said they won’t be running again in the next election and many others are looking for a job elsewhere, if they can get one.

Disgraced former Justice Minister David Lametti, who pushed the Emergencies Act through Parliament, announced his resignation just three days after invocation of the Act was found to be in violation of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms. (This Charter was proudly signed into law by Justin’s father, Pierre Trudeau in 1982.)

Nate Erskine-Smith and Yasir Naqvi, two Liberal MPs who recently ran for the Ontario Leadership have said they will run provincially next time.

Public opinion polling by 338 Canada, the most trusted polling service in Canada, shows Liberals down from 157 seats to just 73 seats if an election was held today; the 84 soon-to-be-unemployed Liberal Members of Parliament are furious.

Even worse, some of the biggest names in the Liberal Party are telling everyone they can that Justin must go – now. Former Deputy Prime Minister John Manley said he has a Seinfeld Rule about political leaders, and asks rhetorically: “How long was Seinfeld on TV?’” The answer: nine years.

Senator Jerry Grafstein, a main man with Pierre Trudeau, recently told a former Conservative MP that Justin must go to save the Liberal Party from disaster. He and other party insiders are getting calls from Liberals across Canada saying the same thing.

At a recent gathering of Peel Region Liberal organizers, not one of them said they will work for Trudeau in the next election. A well-known organizer in the vital GTA Chinese community, who worked on Justin’s Leadership, is telling other Liberals he is done with Trudeau.

As well, long-time Liberal organizers in the Canadian Muslim community are still offended by Trudeau saying they were brainwashed by US media. “We have brains,” said one of them.

Then there are the scandals that killed the political careers of well-liked Liberals including Trudeau’s hand-picked First Nations Justice Minister, Jodi Wilson-Raybould. She was bullied, then fired when she wouldn’t ignore the law for SNC Lavalin; the “We Charity” scandal saw Finance Minister Bill Moreau take the fall for Trudeau.

As a “Hail Mary,” Trudeau has hired a new communications guru who told him to run against Trump to get re-elected. Trudeau has used this tact before, but it’s not working this time. A new Abacus Data poll says Canadians think Conservative Leader Pierre Poilievre would be better able to stand up to Trump than Trudeau. In addition, 60 per cent of those polled have a negative view of Trudeau; 69 per cent say its time for a change.

Change is coming soon…


Lindsay Prescott is a life-long Liberal who has worked as a staff person, supporter, donor, and volunteer. He currently considers himself a “disaffected Liberal.” Lindsay Prescott is his pen name.