Wednesday, September 18, 2024
Image: Ali Baba
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Pedi-Cabs back at Committee meeting

Open entry for “quadricycles”?

From the staff report on Item EC11.c to Economic Development Committee March 28th, “It is recommended that the City continue to opt-in to the Province of Ontario’s Large Quadricycle Pilot Project. This recommendation is based on findings that conclude large quadricycles did not have identifiable impacts on traffic congestion, transit operations, or public safety in the first two years of the pilot. Input received from local businesses confirms that large quadricycle tours present a small but visible economic development opportunity and support tourism. Further, results from a public survey found that the majority of Toronto resident respondents (77%) support the continued use of large quadricycles in Toronto.

“Many of the conditions under which large quadricycles were permitted to operate were key to the success of this pilot project in 2022-2023. Therefore, this report recommends that the same roadway restrictions continue to apply to large quadricycles, in addition to the requirement that operators submit proposed routes for approval prior to commencing operations. In addition to these requirements, staff recommend that the General Manager, Transportation Services, or their designate, be granted the authority to establish new route approval conditions for large quadricycles.

“Finally, this report recommends that the limit on the number of licences that may be issued to large quadricycles be lifted but that the City prohibit at all times the use of large quadricycles that are not licensed as pedicabs.”