Wednesday, September 18, 2024
NewsRide Hailing newsTaxi industry news

Ottawa Taxi trial starts fifth week with the City’s Christine Hartig back on the stand

Zoom links and technology services during the first month of the Ottawa Taxi trial have been generally very reliable. Image: Google

This morning at the Ottawa Taxi trial, the cross-examination of City of Ottawa’s Regulatory Services Program Manager Christine Hartig will continue. It is expected to be completed by the afternoon break.

Hartig’s examination is expected to be followed by arguments about the evidence of the City’s next witness, Stuart Huxley, senior counsel at the City of Ottawa.

Like all other media reporting on the trial, Taxi News is forbidden from making any recording or taking screen captures of the trial; therefore, interested viewers must view the Zoom livestreams as they occur to hear detailed testimony.

Proceeding begin most days at 9:30, however, some days the start time is 10am. Morning break, lunch break and afternoon break are flexible and may change day-to-day.