Tuesday, March 11, 2025


Photo: “Heavy Lifting” by Mike Murchison

The industry will be celebrating National Trucking Week in Canada
September 4-10, 2022; and National Truck Driver Appreciation Week (NTDAW) in the U.S.
September 11-17, 2022.

The first official National Truck Driver Appreciation Week was held by the American Trucking Association in 1998. It was launched by Bill Webb, who would eventually serve as President and CEO of the Texas Motor Transportation Association, in the early 1990s, he was a driver recruiter for a Texas-based carrier. Webb came to realize that recruiting and retaining drivers depended in large part on showing respect and appreciation for them. Webb set out on a mission that would eventually evolve into National Truck Driver Appreciation Week (he wanted to do a week rather than a single day because truckers don’t visit headquarters every day).

In Canada, both Transport Minister Omar Alaghbra and Finance Minister Chrystia Freeland, who seized and froze the bank accounts of numerous Trucker/protesters in February 2022, thanked the Truckers for their hard work all year.