Thursday, March 6, 2025
Bruce Outridge of Lead Pedal Media posted a video warning about an online scam using his name on January 5th. Photo: Lead Pedal Media

Lead Pedal Media artist warns of online scam

Bruce Outridge’s brand stolen by fraudsters selling t-shirts

Don’t fall for any scam artist claiming to sell “Lead Pedal” t-shirts, warns Lead Pedal Media founder Bruce Outridge in a video message January 5th.

Outridge’s highly stylized artwork is instantly recognizable. Image: Lead Pedal Media

“You may have seen a post going around on Facebook that says I am affilicated with a shirt. There’s a shirt with my name on it from ‘Sky Blue USA.’

“That is not my artwork; they have no authorization to use my name, I don’t know if there is another Bruce Outridge. Please do not buy the shirt; don’t share that post anymore. It has nothing to do with me. Do not buy the shirt. Please report it to Facebook.

“I just don’t want anyone to get taken,” Outridge says.

Outridge, a former Truck driver who runs popular Trucker sites Lead Pedal Radio and Lead Pedal Media is also a talented sketch artist with a highly stylized drawing technique which is almost instantly recognizable. His Lead Pedal Radio shows including “Tropical Daze” and the perennially popular “Lead Pedal Trivia” attract thousands of loyal listeners who regularly shop at the Lead Pedal Store. However, as Outridge warns, the t-shirt being promoted on Facebook by Sky Blue USA is not affiliated with him, his website or his radio show in any way.

“If someone shares this ad with you, please report it to Facebook,” Outridge requests.