Saturday, July 27, 2024

January 4th flyer outlines “ArriveCAN requirements for Exempt Essential Travellers”

(Updated 5pm, Jan. 5, 2021) Road Warrior News (RWN) has obtained a copy of the “ArriveCAN requirements” flyer handed to a truck driver on January 4th, 2021. The image of the flyer is posted above, and the full text of the flyer being handed out at the border is posted below.

Other truckers who crossed the border January 4th have indicated they were not provided with any verbal or paper warnings of the January 15th changes to Canada’s requirements.

RWN has submitted several questions to Transport Canada’s media department in an attempt to clarify some of the flyer language which is not clear, including the definitions of “limited exceptions” and “fully vaccinated” and the “exemptions in the national interest” which are noted on Transport Canada’s website.  Updates will follow when information is received.

Click here to read the online definition of “fully vaccinated” January 5th, 2021

Check if you qualify as a fully vaccinated traveller

To qualify as a fully vaccinated traveller to Canada, you must:

  • have received at least 2 doses of a vaccine accepted for travel, a mix of 2 accepted vaccines
    • or at least 1 dose of the Janssen/Johnson & Johnson vaccine
  • have received your second dose at least 14 full days before you enter Canada
    • Example: if your second dose was anytime on Thursday July 1, then Friday July 16 would be the first day that you meet the 14 day condition
  • have no signs or symptoms of COVID-19
  • follow pre-entry testing and entry requirements
    • upload proof of vaccination in ArriveCAN
    • complete your ArriveCAN submission and and have ArriveCAN receipt with letter I, V, or A beside your name
    • complete arrival test and quarantine if selected
    • monitor for signs and symptoms of COVID-19 for the 14 days after entry into Canada
    • if you have symptoms of COVID-19, seek advice from local public health

Full text of January 4th flyer:

“ArriveCAN Requirements for Exempt Essential Travellers

You must use ArriveCan to provide mandatory travel information. ArriveCAN is available as a free mobile app or you can sign in to the accessible web-based version at If you do not submit your information through ArriveCAN, you may be subject to fines or enforcement action.

Submit your information at any time prior to your arrival

  • If you’re not travelling with a smartphone or a computer, you can also sign in online from any computing device, like those found in libraries or motels.
  • It only takes a few minutes to submit your:
  • Contact information and travel details
  • Vaccination information (New as of November 30, 2021)

Save time and create an exempt traveller profile in ArriveCAN

  • Enter your information once and reuse the same receipt for each entry into Canada.
  • You only need to create a new ArriveCAN receipt if:
  • Your information changes (e.g., your travel history or travel document information)
  • The border services officer determines you’re not travelling for essential purposes
  • ArriveCAN has been updated and you’re instructed to resubmit your information

Use the ‘add traveller’ feature to save your travel document and vaccination information, download the latest version of ArriveCAN for easy access if you ever need to create a new receipt.

If you already created a reusable receipt, and have not entered your vaccination information, download the latest version of ArriveCAN or sign into the web version and re-submit.

REMINDER: As of January 15, 2022, you must be fully vaccinated and will be required to upload your proof of vaccination in ArriveCAN. There are limited exceptions to this requirement.

For more information or help on how to submit:

Learn about other travel requirements for your return to Canada at”