Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Links and Updates: Doctors’ debate; Brian Peckford visit; Doug Ford’s emergency declaration

Dr. Byram Bridle invited federal health officials to a panel discussion of the evidence they used to support lockdowns at the Marriott Hotel in Ottawa at 1pm February 11th. Photo: Steve Kirsch

  1. No federal officials showned up to the February 11th debate at the Marriott Hotel in Ottawa, so the scientists presented their information and took questions from the room. Link to the full event is here:

2. Brian Peckford is scheduled to speak on Saturday, February 12th at 2:15pm. Below is the line up of speakers as posted by Freedom Convoy 2022:

3. Doug Ford’s declaration of emergency: this was announced verbally by Ford at 10:30am February 11th; however, the spokesperson for the Solicitor General told Road Warrior News no press release or details would be released until after the Friday Cabinet meeting. As of midnight Friday, there is still no press release (this means police forces have not yet been provided with the changes they will be asked to enforce). RWN will publish the release as soon as it becomes available.