Tuesday, March 11, 2025
Ottawa's Director, By-Law and Regulatory Services Roger Chapman helped present certificate to drivers who completed training. Driver Mahmoud Abou-Akrouche is one of the newest Taxi drivers in Canada's capital. Photo: Taxi News
NewsTaxi industry news

Coventry team and Ottawa officials congratulate city’s newest Taxi drivers

Demonstration of brand new Accessible vans was a highlight

Updated August 29 with additional information.

August 29, 2023 graduates of Coventry Connections Taxi driver
training program were congratulated by CEO Marc André Way, instructor Ali Enad and Ottawa officials. Photo: Taxi News

Ottawa’s newest class Taxi drivers has finished training and is ready for the road.

CEO of Coventry Connections Marc André Way welcomed two dozen new Taxi drivers and Ottawa City officials to Coventry’s head office on August 29th for a graduation ceremony.

“After two years of having summer disrupted, it is good to see Ottawa is full of tourists again, and our drivers are busy getting them places,” Way noted in his welcoming remarks.

“In a few days, business as usual will resume for government too and our drivers will be there.”

Ottawa City Councillors Sean Devine and Stephanie Plante attended the event, and both were enthusiastic about the work done by Taxi drivers. Plante’s ward includes the Byward Market and Sandy Hill, both places that depend on taxis to function smoothly.

Devine noted he was glad to hear Way’s assessment that tourism activities were returning to normal after two years of COVID restrictions.

Ottawa’s Director, By-Law and Regulatory Services Roger Chapman also attended and helped present graduation certificates to drivers who had successfully completed the 16-hour training program. Program Manager Tania McCumber also attended and congratulated the new drivers.

Training instructor Ali Enad provided guests and students with an overview of the program as well as a full demonstration of how Coventry’s brand-new accessible vans are used in picking up and transporting passengers with wheelchairs.

Drivers included a 27-year-old recent university graduate who also works in technology; older drivers whose licenses had lapsed and were required to retrain by regulation; and a retired OC Transpo driver who still loves driving Taxi even though he is in his late ‘70s.

Instructor Ali Enad provided a comprehensive demonstration on how the new Accessible vans accommodate wheelchairs. This clip is one small excerpt. Video: Taxi News
Ottawa City Councillors Sean Devine and Stephanie Plante joined the latest graduating class of drivers from Coventry Connections’ Taxi driver training on August 29th. Video: Taxi News
Two dozen new drivers completed the 16 hour training program which includes modules on customer service, safety, accessibility and Ottawa’s by-laws. Roger Chapman presents Sukhwinder Singh with his certificate. Photo: Taxi News