Tuesday, October 8, 2024
THE ILA's dockworkers strike is expected to disrupt North America's shipping supply chains in the days ahead. Image: ILA
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Longshoreman explains strike in essay against automation

ILA’s “Big Jack” Pennington slams corporate greed in searing statement

NORTH BERGEN, NJ (September 30, 2024) — In an inspiring and fighting Facebook post today, Jack Pennington, President, Local 28, International Longshoremen’s Association (ILA) described in succinct language the dire threat for ILA Longshore workers and their future with automation, and why it’s critical for the union to fight for strong language in the next Master Contract to make sure it is never implemented at Eastern and Gulf Coast Ports.

ILA International President Harold Daggett loved the post and hopes every ILA member and family reads it. President Daggett’s response started with “Hey Jack, thank you thank you thank you. I wish everybody could understand what I’m doing. You just explained it the best way anybody could, yes I am fighting for us every fucking day, these greedy bastard corporations overseas all they want is money money money, and they don’t give a shit about us that’s the truth!”

The following is ILA Local 24 President Jack Pennington’s full post followed International President Harold Daggett’s response.

Soap Box Time: “Automation”

by Jack Pennington

ILA’s “Big Jack” Pennington” Photo: ILA

As everyone has heard by now my Boss is taking a hard stand on the never ending threat of automation that is infiltrating our industry, and I have heard the remarks from those that say we need to learn how to deal with it! Well I have a message for those people “kiss my fat A$$”! I got some news for those same naïve people that think it’s a good thing and by going to automation it’s going to save the consumer money, let me shed some light with some facts and history that nobody can dispute!

For instance, when the big 3 automakers decided to install robotic welders, painters, upholsterers, machinists, assemblers and countless other robots into production with the false pretense and promises that it would “remember this quote” (save the consumer money) well I ask you this question, did it cut costs of an automobile? The answer is an Easy NO! In fact, the cost of the standard car went up to pay for the robots and them being installed and thousands of workers were left jobless!

This fact goes for countless companies today Sam’s, Home Depot, Lowe’s, Walmart and many and many more have continually sold the general public on the premises that by going with automation it will save the public money, with the FACT being thousands of good tax paying jobs went away and the CEO’s and CORPORATE EXECUTIVES are getting rewarded and richer by getting raises and bonuses for making record breaking profits while your dads, moms, brothers and sisters are pushed out of work, not to mention the same retailers that sold “you the general public” on the idea that it will save you money has actually gone up on the price of groceries and supplies of all kinds!

This is a trend and a reality that is taking place on every corner and all points between in our country today! So when I hear my boss President Harold Daggett getting attacked by the media and the public for taking a stand for “us” the thousands of men and women that rely on our jobs so that we can provide for our families, well it burns my A$$ to no end! If we had more leaders in this world like this man, we the working men and women of this country would have a fighting chance!

So don’t be so quick to judgment on us the longshoremen of this country for fighting for our jobs because who knows when it will be your turn next!! We are fighting for our rights to make a honest living not to allow a robot to wipe us out so that them corporate bastards can buy another vacation island somewhere!!!!

God Bless the Working Men and Women of this Country!!
God Bless the ILA!!!

Comment from Harold Daggett

Hey Jack, thank you thank you thank you. I wish everybody could understand what I’m doing. You just explained it the best way anybody could, yes I am fighting for us every fucking day, these greedy bastard corporations overseas all they want is money money money, and they don’t give a shit about us that’s the truth! They just raised the price to $30,000 per container to Ship a full load, and sometimes they put two customers in that one container, so they get $60,000. They don’t care about us. They would love to see automation up and down the whole East and Gulf Coast, trust me when I tell you that if it was up to them, we would have no jobs. There is a job we have to do right now, and it is the strike and stay strong and don’t give in, I love you big Jack and everything you said. You get it My friend.