Tuesday, March 4, 2025
Image: TFSH
NewsRoad Safety DiscussionTrucking

Winter is coming: Truckers for Safer Highways writes MPPs

The following letter has been sent to MPPs Lise Vaugeois; Kevin Holland; John Vanthof; Guy Bourgouin; and Greg Rickford

Updated Sept. 25th: “not significant” corrected to “significant” in the text.


Good afternoon,

Winter has not even begun yet and there has been an extremely serious collision on highway 11/17 early this morning. This is unfortunately a concerning precursor to what the next several months will look like. 

It’s true that the MTO and the O.P.P. has started to increase their on road and highway enforcement. But this is not enough yet. Many of these unfortunate collisions often happen due to lack of knowledge of proper driving skills. Or by poor choices made by a driver. 

We need to seriously look at what is happening on our highways in order to see what we can do to increase safety for our road users including all truck drivers. 

Aside from the serious injury and loss of life to drivers and the public, the amount of freight and money that affects the economy each time a highway is closed is definitely significant. 

Truckers for Safer Highways has been advocating for several years for improvements in training as well as significantly increased training. Unfortunately many of our concerns have not been taken seriously by many in government on all levels. We can no longer tell the families of those who have lost lives on our highways that we are doing the best we can. Or that every effort is being made to improve highway safety. 

We must do more. M.P.P. Lise Vougeois and M.P.P. John Vanthof has been the most supportive of our efforts so far. We look forward to hearing how everyone can support us in truly putting forth the best effort to improve highway safety. 

Be safe out there

Travis McDougall


[email protected]

Truckers for Safer Highways