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Will robots make delivery services MUD? First item at today’s Toronto Council

Micro-utility devices like Geoffrey, designed by Toronto firm Tiny Mile, will be discussed at Council December 17th. Photo: Jennifer Bell

The first order of business at Toronto Council on December 17th will be discussion of MUD: micro-utility devices.

A MUD is defined as  a device which operates using any kind of power other than solely muscular power; is automated or remotely controlled; and which transports itself and/or conducts tasks including transporting goods or cargo, but not passengers.

An introduction to automated micro-utility devices will be presented by Ryan Lanyon, Manager, Strategic Policy and Innovation, Transportation Services, including a proposed provincial pilot project to test such devices off-road on sidewalks, paths or trails.

The second item is expected to the be driver training for vehicle for hire drivers, which has been postponed twice, on December 15 and December 16. To view Toronto Council live, click the link below: