Wheel-Trans contracted drivers to do on-demand rides?
Among the changes being suggested as part of the 2024 Vehicle for Hire Review is allowing Wheelchair Accessible Vehicles (WAVs) now under contract to Wheel-Trans be allowed to service on-demand calls and to receive the proposed $15 or $25 incentive.
“To incentivize more service, MLS will permit drivers operating rear-entry WAVs and WAVs contracted to provide Wheel-Trans service to be eligible for the incentive for on-demand trips they complete during hours they are not scheduled to provide Wheel-Trans service,” is stated on page 31 of the review document.
Up until now, WAV drivers contracted to Wheel-Trans for pre-scheduled trips have not also worked to deliver on-demand service. Opening up on-demand services to these WAV drivers will mean another category of competition for operators contemplating investing in a new Accessible vehicle, in addition to the 85,000 Vehicles for Hire currently working.