Monday, March 3, 2025
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Leak from Toronto Solicitor’s office raises questions

Will Toronto investigate document leaked to media?

Questions about how a briefing note from Toronto’s Solicitor’s office wound up in the hands of a CTV reporter remain unanswered as Toronto Council meets today.

On December 12, reporter Natalie Johnson published a news story indicating CTV had received a briefing note prepared by Toronto’s Solicitor outlining options for responses to Uber’s December 4th lawsuit against the City. The lawsuit is expected to be discussed in camera at Council’s December 13th meeting. In camera means the information is so sensitive it must be discussed privately, where viewers and attendees cannot hear what Councillors are discussing. The idea that information so sensitive voters cannot hear it has in fact already been leaked to the media raises troubling questions about security in the Solicitor’s office.

“That’s how powerful the Uber lobby is,” one Taxi industry member told Taxi News. “They got someone to leak the documents. The New Fascism is alive and well in Toronto.”

Taxi News has written Toronto’s media staff to ask if Toronto be undertaking an investigation to find out how this leak occurred; whether police been notified; and what, if any, are the employment consequences for the person found guilty of the leak. We will update this article with that information when it is provided.