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German health minister shocks viewers with stats on damage done by COVID shots: 1 in 10,000

Heute Journal’s anchor Christian Sievers (left) pressed Health Minister Karl Lauterback for answers. Photo: YouTube

Germany’s federal Health Minister Karl Lauterbach shocked viewers by confirming that 1 in 10,000 recipients of the COVID shot have suffered an adverse event.

In a March 13th live interview with 2DF’s Heute Journal anchor Christian Sievers, Lauterbach used the “1 in 10,000” statistic three separate times. (Astra Zeneca’s vaccine was pulled from the market when it was found to have approximately a 1 in 55,000 rate of adverse events.)

Sievers distinguished himself by asking hard questions and pressing for answers of Lauterbach, who pointed out that he was not party to the agreement negotiated when the German government purchased the vaccines. He says he hopes to find an improved solution for vaccine-injured Germans now.

Lauterbach called the post-COVID shot events “tragic,” and even admitted that a statement he tweeted saying the shots had no side effects was “an exaggeration that I once made in an ill-considered tweet.”

“The COVID-19 ‘vaccine’-induced injuries that were covered in this program are severe, life-altering, and permanent. More people are waking up to the reality that more of these severe injuries have occurred and continue to emerge than what has ever been admitted publicly by those pushing the shots. This is the nature of passive monitoring systems, particularly when coupled with active dissuasion of reporting,” notes Canadian Dr. Byram Bridle, Associate Professor of Viral Immunology in the Department of Pathobiology at the University of Guelph. Bridle posted a substack on the German news item on March 14th.

“COVID-19 ‘vaccine’-injured people are finding themselves falling between the cracks in health care systems. This is horrible, but unfortunately, is not news for most of us.”

Following is a transcript of the Sievers/Lauterbach March 13 interview, in which the German Health Minister makes these statements. The full video can be viewed here; the Minister’s interview begins at 8:07.

Sievers: Good evening. What do you have to say to these injured people? These unfortunate cases are heart-breaking, and every victim is one too many. And my heart goes out to the people affected. They have very severe disablement, some of which will be permanent.

Lauterbach: It’s really tragic. What we do at federal level is that state insurance covers the treatment costs, while the state governments pay the cost of any necessary ongoing care. But we have problems with both sides of this equation. We don’t yet have the drugs for treatment. Research on those is proceeding at pace.

And the care entitlements are often defined very narrowly. So, I can see why the people here are making complaints.

Sievers: It sounds a bit like you’re suggesting that everything is under control. But these people will tell you exactly the opposite is the case. Struggling for a year, being turned away again and again. Lots of agencies that don’t believe you, let alone reply to you. And then running the gauntlet until you’re recognized as vaccine injured, only to receive a pittance.

Surely, the government can’t be happy with this?

Lauterbach: No, not at all. And I don’t want to give that impression, because that’s not my point of view at all. We need to get faster at recognizing these vaccine injuries. And we’re slowly gaining a clearer understanding of the situation.

However, to avoid any false impressions, I would point out here that, according to the latest research data, severe vaccine injuries are very rare. The incidence is less than one per 10,000 vaccinations.

So, it’s not like injury is common. But because our understanding of adverse events is now getting clearer and clearer, it should be possible to more quickly identify those who are affected so we can help them more quickly.

Sievers: Mr., Lauterbach, why were you, in the summer of 2021, still claiming that the vaccine had no side-effects?

Lauterbach: That was an exaggeration that I once made in an ill-considered tweet. But it did not represent my true position. On numerous occasions, even before then, I spoke about the side-effects of immunization.

Sievers: Yes, but on many occasions after that, you also said there were no side-effects, or virtually none.

“More or less free of side-effects”, you said that on a TV show with Anne Will. So, you’ve always given the impression that side-effects aren’t really a thing.

Lauterbach: No, that is not correct. As I just said, I’ve always been aware of the numbers. They have remained relatively stable. These vaccines have been used worldwide.

One in 10,000: some may say that’s a lot, and some may say it’s not that much.

But the fact is, it’s a vaccination that protects against very serious illness. And, by the way, it very often also reduces the risk of long COVID, which has similarities with what we’ve been seeing here with post-vax syndrome.

So, benefits of vaccination outweigh the risks.

Sievers: But yes, one in 10,000, that’s the incidence of severe adverse effects. Now we have the first lawsuits against BioNTech and other vaccine manufacturers. What do you think the outcome will be?

Lauterbach:  I can’t speculate, that’s not my job as minister. So I have to be careful about that. It’s true that under these EU agreements, the vaccine manufacturers are, to a very large extent, exempted from liability.

Hence, liability rests with the German state, or rather, with the state governments and statutory health insurances. But the most important thing going forward is that we need treatment options.

I will work with the Federal Ministry of Health to put together a programme to study the effects of long COVID and post-vax syndrome and improve long-term care.

That is something we as the government can do.

Sievers: When will that be, exactly?

That’s what those affected want to know. They’ve been in limbo all this time. That’s right. But I’m negotiating with the budget committee right now, because it’s a programme that I want to put in place as soon as possible.

Lauterbach: I’m in budget negotiations for the funding. It’s something we have to do; we are duty-bound to.

And the resulting networking among experts in this field will increase the chances of us developing really good treatment options here in Germany.

Sievers: Now you have just mentioned this exclusion of liability. This means the pharmaceutical companies can rest easy in all these lawsuits because the state has assumed the risk. That means the federal government is liable for any claims for damages that may arise. Are you comfortable with that?

Lauterbach: It depends on what you mean by comfortable.

Firstly, I wasn’t party to the agreements at the time, but they’ve become my responsibility by virtue of my office. And I think that’s due to the situation at that time.

Back then, they wanted to use the vaccines as soon as possible. And so, the state assumed liability.

Perhaps that was the right thing to do, because it’s better for the state to bear liability than to face protracted settlement negotiations or lawsuits with the manufacturers.

Sievers: Well, we’ve just seen how difficult it is to actually get money from the state. So, where to from here?

Do you think the pharma companies could pay money into a voluntary fund? Would that be an idea if they are not held liable?

Lauterbach: It would certainly be valuable for the companies here to show some level of participation.

That’s because the profits have been exorbitant. Simply exorbitant profits.

Therefore, this would be more than a gesture of good will, but something that’s expected of them.

But you’re asking me how things will proceed from here. The most optimistic scenario I can imagine is that we are finally learning how to deal with long COVID and post-vac syndrome, that we’re learning how to make things work.

And that includes acknowledging these cases more quickly so that people don’t to wait so long to even be recognised as suffering from post-vac syndrome.

Sievers: A promise from the Federal Minister of Health Karl Lauterbach. Thank you for joining us tonight.

Dr. Tim Goyetche predicts lawsuits against pharma companies and governments.