Ride Hailing news

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Canada invests up to $13 billion to bring Volkswagen to Ontario

On April 21st, 2023, the announcement that Volkswagen will build its first Canadian plant in St. Thomas was made official.

Premier Doug Ford and Prime Minister Justin Trudeau were joined by Vic Fedeli, Minister of Economic Development, Job Creation and Trade, and the federal Minister of Innovation, Science and Industry, François-Philippe Champagne, to announce the deal for St. Thomas, Ontario, and Canada’s entire electric vehicle supply chain.

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Vote for the “Worst Road in the Province” by April 21st

Friday, April 21st is the deadline to submit your suggestion for the “Worst Road in the Province.”

The annual Canadian Automobile Association’s “Worst Roads” advocacy campaign is marking its 20th year of influencing change. For the past two decades, the campaign has given decision-makers a snapshot of the roads that the public perceives as not meeting their expectations.

“Our research tells us that 85 per cent of Ontarians are concerned about the state of our roads,” says Teresa Di Felice, assistant vice president of government and community relations, CAA SCO. “Due to inflation, consumers are being more mindful of their purchases, and people are opting to hold on to their cars for longer instead of buying a new one. Funding for roadway improvements and proper infrastructure needs to be consistent to ensure that quality and safety are maintained.”

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Toronto expands Traffic Agents Program

The City of Toronto is expanding its Traffic Agents Program. A total of 30 Traffic Agents are budgeted to be deployed this year, with the first wave of new employees currently being deployed to critical intersections across Toronto.

The City’s Traffic Agents program is a congestion management strategy that places Traffic Agents employed by the City at key intersections during the morning and afternoon peak traffic periods. Traffic Agents ensure all road users comply with traffic laws and regulations, helping to reduce congestion and increase road safety. They also play a crucial role in ensuring roads are clear for emergency services and public transit.

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City “kept a tight grip on who could operate in the taxi industry” says Conway opening statement

A significant part of the regulatory history in the taxi industry is that the City has consistently

tightly controlled who can participate in the industry. Only licensed brokers, plate owners, and

licensed drivers could operate legally in the industry.

The City prohibited anyone else from doing so. For years, the City enforced the by-laws to stop

what it called, “bandit cabs,” and unlicensed brokers from operating. The City investigated these

unlawful operators, charged them, and ensured that the illegal taxi services were stopped. In

many instances, the City’s enforcement efforts were done in cooperation with members in the

taxi industry. Up until 2014, the City kept a tight grip on who could operate in the taxi industry
and made sure that any illegal activity was stopped.

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PSAC announces April 19 strike date

More than 155,000 PSAC members working for Treasury Board and the Canada Revenue Agency will begin strike action on April 19 if a deal cannot be reached by 9 p.m. ET April 18 – setting the stage for one of the largest strikes in Canada’s history.

“We’ve made some progress at each of our four bargaining tables over the past two weeks, but we’re still too far apart on several key issues, including wages that keep up with the cost of living, job security and remote work language,” said Chris Aylward, PSAC National President.

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April 17th Toronto’s first Net Zero virtual info session

The City is now inviting feedback from the stakeholders and the public on the proposed regulatory approach (summarized below). Comments and feedback can be submitted in three ways: at a virtual information session, via an online survey or via email. The feedback received will inform a staff report that is expected at the Economic and Community Development Committee in May.

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