by Philip Fletcher, President, TTSAO This week we’ll talk about Mirrors. Clean mirrors and proper mirror adjustment is what it takes to know what and who is around you, and what you need to look out for. Let’s start by
“Why?” viewers ask A new 30-second Uber ad promoting the app for people taking trains has UK viewers scratching their heads in confusion this week. The spot features an enthusiastic young man approaching a train conductor to confirm that he
Mayor Olivia Chow’s admirable attempt to cap the number of rideshare vehicles cruising city streets perversely resulted in a halt in the licensing of drivers for Accessible Taxis, perhaps the driver category needed most urgently in Toronto. The Law of
But Net Zero Means Things Will Get Worse by Dan McTeague Canadians for Affordable Energy (CAE) President Dan McTeague applauds the growing number of premiers questioning the announcement on heating oil relief but encourages them to dig deeper on the policy
Gowling WLG – Wendy J. Wagner Historical background Unlike the United States, Canada was not created by a unilateral declaration of independence from the colonial occupation of England. There was no “Canadian revolution” or other similar act that dramatically gave birth to
I had always loved driving, and mom once told me the only car seat she could put me in where I wouldn’t cry was one with a steering wheel. I, of course, have no memory of this. I started driving taxi not thinking of it as a start to a trucking career. Instead, I just figured it would do until “something better comes along.” It would be nine years of “making do” before I made the jump to being a full-time truck driver.
My test drive with Roach’s was with one of their big commercial customers, mainly to see how I’d treat the vehicle on rough roads. The owner’s brother was the road tester, meaning, of course, that I was gentle with the car.
No matter which figure you use, 50,000 or 80,000 cruising cars is a lot more than 5,500 Taxis ***** An astonishing thing happened at Toronto’s October 11th City Council Meeting. While considering mandating electric Taxis and Ubers in order to
Pots of soup, plates of food by Donna Laframboise Part 1: It Was a Prison At six o’clock each morning, when Sandra opened the tent and began cooking breakfast outdoors on a windy Ottawa street, she encountered the same two homeless