
Democracy & GovernmentIt's Uber, what did you expect?Opinion/ColumnRide Hailing newsTaxi industry news

When did Uber become the Law?

We are still a nation of Rule of Law and elected government When did Uber become the law? An Uber driver in British Columbia is ticketed for breaking the law, and the case goes all the way to the BC

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Democracy & GovernmentOpinion/ColumnRide Hailing newsTaxi industry news

It’s beyond comprehension

Toronto’s population up 7 per cent; Vehicles for Hire up 1,462 per cent California is on fire while there is no water in the fire hydrants; Justin Trudeau “resigned” then flew to the United States to speak as Canada’s Prime

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Democracy & GovernmentOpinion/ColumnRide Hailing newsTaxi industry news

Where did the 80,429 VFH number come from?

What could be more arbitrary than proposing the number that’s creating all the problems? Update at 1:30pm January 13: The full TRP report has been added to the bottom of the post in an accordion box. Like many other perfectly

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